Policy 3720 – Energy Management
The District shall participate in energy conservation programs approved by the School Board. Energy management is necessary in order for the District to: minimize the impact energy cost increases will have on the budget, maintain a reliable supply of energy to meet the functional needs of the District, and ensure that energy is used efficiently.
A strong commitment on the part of the Board and the administration is important to an effective energy management program. It shall be the responsibility of each District employee and student to actively participate in conservation efforts in order to reduce consumption to levels prescribed by state, federal and local rules.
The Director of Facilities/designee shall implement, direct, monitor, evaluate and report District energy conservation efforts to the Board.
- Wisconsin Statutes
- Sections 1.12 [State energy policy]
- 66.0133 [Energy savings performance contracting]
- 101.027 [Energy conservation]
- 115.001(3) [Energy emergency]
- 120.12(1) [Board duty; care, control and management of school district property]
- COMM 63, Wisconsin Administrative Code [Energy conservation regulations]
- COMM 64.05, Wisconsin Administrative Code [Inside design, temperature and ventilation requirements]
- 3600 School Safety
- 3700 Facilities Management
- 3710 Facilities Maintenance
- 7200 Facilities Planning
- Crisis Response Manual
AFFIRMED: April 9, 1991
- October 28, 2003
- October 25, 2005
- December 18, 2007
Rule 3720 – Energy Management
Instituted as part of the District’s plan to save energy, this policy is designed to save scarce resources without infringement of the educational mission of the District. The building Principal and Head Custodian and their supervisors will share the accountability for ensuring that this policy is followed. All operations of District facilities shall be governed by the following and participation is mandatory for all staff and students of Kenosha Unified School District.
- Lighting
- All lights will be turned off in any area which will be unoccupied for a period in excess of fifteen (15) minutes except in corridors, stairwells and at exits as required by code.
- During design and re-lamping projects, consideration should be given to provide lighting within the following range:
- Classrooms and offices: 62-65 foot-candles (fc) but not less than 50 fc
- Corridors: 20 fc but not less than 10 fc
- Storage: Not less than 10 fc
- Gyms: 55 – 95 fc but not less than 30 fc
Natural lighting shall be used were possible to attain lighting levels within the above ranges. For cleaning during off hours and in the morning when the building is being opened the custodial staff shall only turn on lighting where needed. Building should be fully illuminated no more than ½ hour before the normally scheduled arrival time for teaching and administrative staff.
- Temperature Control
- For the heating season, which generally runs from October 15 through May 15, temperatures in classrooms and offices will be maintained at a 68º set point in occupied mode and at 55º in unoccupied mode.
- In those facilities that are air conditioned, a 76º occupied set point with a 82º unoccupied set point will be maintained during the cooling season, which generally runs from May 15th to October 15th. The cooling systems in auditoriums shall maintain a 74º occupied set point.
- The cooling systems in auditoriums shall maintain a 74º occupied set point.
- Locker rooms shall maintain a 72º occupied set point during the heating season.
- Non-classroom warehouse and garage facilities, when unoccupied by personnel, will be maintained at 55º during the heating season.
- Special consideration will be given to certain preschool and special education classrooms where possible.
- Personnel will not obstruct ventilation ducts or return grilles with books, charts, furniture or plants.
- All windows and doors must be kept closed during the heating season or when air conditioning units are in operation.
- Entrances and exits to all buildings shall be limited in their use when possible to minimize heat loss.
- Broken windows, doors, non-functioning door closers, missing or damaged weather stripping, etc., shall be reported to the building custodian in a timely manner.
- Unauthorized personnel or students found tampering (e.g., placing ice or wet towels on thermostats) with temperature regulating devices, such as thermostats or valves, will be subject to disciplinary action.
- Portable space heaters or air conditioners of any kind are banned from use within District facilities, except where provided by Facilities Services.
- Employees and students are encouraged to wear sweaters, sweatshirts or similar clothing during the heating season.
- Scheduling
- Small group activities will not be scheduled in large areas such as auditoriums and gymnasiums. Use of such areas will be coordinated with the custodial staff to enable reduced lighting and heating during periods of non-use.
- At the end of the school or office day, all windows shall be closed, the blinds or shades drawn to approximately ¾ the distance from the top of the window to the windowsill, and the lights turned off. Cleaning staff will turn lights on only for the period when a specific area is being cleaned. On windows with a western exposure, the blinds should be adjusted to allow the sun to warm building during heating season or to block out the sun during cooling season where appropriate.
- Other
- The domestic hot water temperature set point will be 120º. Food Services operations requiring higher temperature levels by code shall use booster units or dedicated water heaters when possible.
- Pools shall be kept at a temperature of no less than 78º, but no warmer than 82º, consistent with the recommendation of the National Federation of State High School Association for school pools, with the exception of Jane Vernon Elementary School, that shall be maintained at 90º, and Reuther Central High School that shall be maintained at 85º
- Office Equipment – shut off copiers, laminators, etc., at the end of the day. Computers should utilize energy savings options within the operating system.
- The use of personal appliances such as electric coffee makers, microwaves, refrigerators, toaster ovens, pizza makers and/or other cooking or refrigeration appliances will not be allowed without the prior approval of the Superintendent. The use of small fans, radios and desk lamps is allowed, but should be turned off when not in use.
- Request for exemptions and hot and cold complaints must be addressed in writing to the Facilities Supervisor, at which time he/she will investigate the complaint or request for exemption. If the issue cannot be resolved while adhering to the energy policy, the Director of Facilities shall make the determination as to what action, if any, will be  The Department of Facilities Services reserves the right to adjust set points up or down in a given area to provide the best overall performance of the HVAC system.
- Vending Machines – Only energy efficient vending machines will be allowed within the District.