Teacher Position Requirements
All new staff members must submit the requirements listed below as soon as possible after acceptance of a contract. Failure to complete the requirement of certificate of health before the end of the first semester of teaching will result in a reduction of pay to substitute rate until requirements are fulfilled. Social Security card and official transcripts must be submitted before Board approval.
Official Transcripts of College Training: A final and official transcript must be provided bearing evidence of candidate having been granted a bachelor's degree. Credits beyond that required to graduate can be used to advance on the salary schedule. It is the responsibility of the employee to submit all official transcripts of undergraduate and graduate credits earned. Transcripts which include the grade earned must be submitted from the school in which the course(s) was taken. Salary calculations will only be made on the basis of official records submitted by time of Board approval and not on the basis of statements made by the employee on the application.
Certificate of Health: A certificate showing satisfactory state of health for public school teaching service and a TB test must be secured. Every effort should be made to comply with this requirement prior to your contractual start date.
Social Security Card: These will be returned immediately after having been recorded.
Wisconsin License to Teach: Persons already possessing a valid license to teach in Wisconsin must provide a copy for the Office of Personnel within thirty (30) days of effective date. Employees that are licensed to teach in another state will have to show proof of submitting an application to the Wisconsin Department of Instruction. Students graduating from Wisconsin colleges or universities can obtain license applications at their school.
Certification: If you do not hold a Wisconsin teaching certificate valid for the area or areas in which you are applying, you should make certain of your eligibility in Wisconsin. Inquiries should be directed to the Wisconsin DPI website or call 1-800-266-1027.