The United States Department of Education, State of Wisconsin, and the Kenosha Unified School District each require a variety of assessments for a variety of purposes. Below is a list of the assessments, their subject matter, purpose, mandate, and if possible, time spent to schedule and take the assessment, and distribute results. Please direct any questions you have on these or other assessments to our District Assessment Coordinator:
Lorien Thomas –
Assessment (Federal/State) | Subject matter and grade levels assessed | Purpose and use of the assessment | Law or policy requiring the assessment | Time students will spend taking the assessment | Schedule for the assessment | Schedule and format for sharing results |
Wisconsin Forward Exam | Grades 3-8 in English language arts (ELA) and mathematics
Grades 4 and 8 in science, Grades 4, 8, and 10 in social studies |
The Forward Exam gauges how well students are doing in relation to the Wisconsin Academic Standards and how well districts and the state are supporting students to meet those standards. | Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and Wisconsin State Statute 118.30 | The Forward Exam is untimed. | The Forward Exam is administered annually in the spring. See: | Districts receive individual reports from DPI.
Forward Exam Data Availability District disseminates Individual student reports electronically to parents/guardians prior to the start of the upcoming school year. Families have access to view student scores within District Parent Student Portal annually. |
Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) | Grades 3-11 in ELA and mathematics
Grades 4, 8-11 in science Grades 4, 8, and 10 in social studies |
DLM assesses the academic progress of students with significant cognitive disabilities. It is administered online. | ESSA and Wisconsin State Statute 118.30 | DLM test is untimed. | DLM is administered annually in the spring. See: | District disseminates hard copy of Individual student reports and learning profiles at the school level to parents/ guardians early in the next school year.
Families have access to view student scores within District Parent Student Portal annually. |
PreACT Secure | Grades 9 and 10 for reading, English, mathematics, and science | PreACT Secure can be used to predict future ACT scores and possible areas of strength and challenges. | Wisconsin State Statute 118.30 | PreACT Secure assessments take 2 hours, 50 minutes to complete, including breaks. | PreACT Secure is administered annually in the spring. See: | Electronic individual student reports are provide early in the next school year.
PreACT Secure Data and Results Families have access to view student scores within District Parent Student Portal annually. |
ACT with writing | Grade 11 for reading, English, mathematics, science, and writing | ACT with writing helps students understand what they need to learn next to build rigorous high school course plans and identify career areas that align with their interests. It can be used for college enrollment, scholarships, and National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) eligibility requirements. | ESSA and Wisconsin State Statute 118.30 | ACT with writing takes 3 hours, 55 minutes to complete, including breaks. | ACT with writing is administered annually in the spring. See: | Student Score Reports are available online and mailed 5-8 weeks after the assessment.
*May be subject to change, see the assessment webpage for the most up to date information. Families have access to view student scores within District Parent Student Portal annually. |
ACCESS | Grades K-12, English language proficiency for students identified as English Learners (ELs) | ACCESS allows educators, ELs, and families to monitor EL’s progress in acquiring academic English in the domains of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. | ESSA and Wisconsin State Statute 115.96(1) | The ACCESS test is untimed, and students have the time needed to produce scorable content. ACCESS typically takes 1-4.5 hours to complete, depending on grade and test format. | ACCESS is administered annually in the winter. See: | Student score reports are available in multiple languages, with electronic copies distributed in English and Spanish during the spring.
Families have access to view student scores within District Parent Student Portal annually. |
Assessment of Reading Readiness | Grades 4K-3 for reading readiness | Districts must assess fundamental reading skills in order to inform and identify students with reading needs. Districts are required to provide interventions or remedial services to address the needs consistent with the state standards in reading and language arts. | Wisconsin State Statute 118.016 | AimsWeb Plus testing takes approximately 15 minutes, and various per grade level depending on diagnostic testing. | Reading Readiness assessments are administered 3x a year (Fall, Winter, Spring) in the required grades. | District disseminates Individual student reports and any applicable Reading Plans electronically to parents/guardians after each administration.
Early Literacy Assessment, Act 20 Families have access to view student scores within District Parent Student Portal annually. |
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) | Grades 4 and 8 for reading and mathematics (only if the school is selected to participate) | NAEP assessment results help produce the Nation’s Report Card. NAEP is a survey given each year to a sample of schools selected to participate. Districts that receive Title-I funds agree to have schools participate. | ESSA | Students typically spend 1.5-2 hours to complete the NAEP, depending on grade and test format. | Each sample school has one test date, between the last week of January and the first week of March. | Results are reported at the state and national levels. |
Assessment (Local) | Subject matter and grade levels assessed | Purpose and use of the assessment | Law or policy requiring the assessment | Time students will spend taking the assessment | Schedule for the assessment | Schedule and format for sharing results |
MAP Growth | Grade 1-8 for reading and mathematics | Measure growth in mathematics and reading over time. Determine individual skill level to drive instructions | Local Summative Assessment | MAP is untimed. | Required testing by all schools in Fall and Spring. Schools may choose to test during the winter. | Fall and spring individual student reports are provided electronically to parents/guardians following the testing window.
Families have access to view student scores within District Parent Student Portal annually. |
Voluntary Examinations | ||||||
AP Exams through College Board | 39 different subject areas | Used to earn College credits and advanced placement. | None. AP Exams are voluntary for all high school students. | Timing varies by exam | AP Exams are administered in the Spring of the year | Results are shared directly with student through College Board |