Policy 3710 – Facilities Maintenance
The Director of Facilities shall be responsible for the supervision of the maintenance staff and the maintenance of District facilities. District facilities shall be maintained in accordance with state and local codes, laws and policies. Maintenance programs shall provide for the comfort, health and safety of all that use the facilities.
Facilities maintenance shall include annual and long-range programs as well as emergency procedures. The annual maintenance program shall include the inspection and repair of heating plants, mechanical equipment, fire suppression equipment and other related equipment. Immediate attention shall be directed to cover emergency repairs.
- Wisconsin Statutes
- Sections 101.11 [Provision of safe workplace]
- 115.33 [Inspection of school buildings]
- 120.12(1) [Board duty; care, control and management of district property]
- 120.12(5) [Board duty; repair of school buildings and annual maintenance plan]
- 121.02(1)(i) [Safe and healthful facilities standard]
- PI 8.01(2)(i), Wisconsin Administrative Code [Safe and healthful facilities regulations]
- 3110 Annual Operating Budget
- 3420 Purchasing
- 3600 School Safety
- 3700 Facilities Management
- 3711 Improvement or Maintenance Projects
- School Safety Plans
- Crisis Response Manual
AFFIRMED: April 9, 1991
- October 28, 2003
- December 18, 2007