Accounts Receivable – Collections
Kenosha Unified School District accepts payments for outstanding fees / fines at each school building main office or at the central Finance Office located in the Educational Support Center (3600 52nd Street, Kenosha). Payment methods accepted are: cash, cashier’s check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, personal check. Credit card payments are accepted in person or via our online payment center.
Student User Fees
Student User Fees are set each year by the Board of Education. Student fees are collected and due at the time of registration. Registration usually occurs in late August, but parents have the option of making payment arrangements with the School District or by paying their student(s) fee(s) online.
Each school site will be responsible for the collection of fees assessed to students at that site throughout the school year. Every attempt should be made by school staff to collect outstanding student balances.
After a student leaves the District, either by graduation or transferring to another school district, these outstanding fees remain in Infinite Campus (student receivable database) until paid. Once an account is 120 days past due, the account will be evaluated for formal legal collection action.
Accepting Checks
Cash or credit cards are the District’s preferred methods of payment. However, personal checks are accepted with the following requirements:
- Checks should be written to (payee) the school or group for which payment is being made, i.e. “Tremper Soccer” or “KUSD fees”.
- Record Student’s ID # and Name on the check (preferably in the memo line).
- The check should include the payer’s name, current address and phone number.
Returned Checks
Returned checks (NSF, Closed Account, etc.) for student fees will be entered into Infinite Campus for collection under the student ID # provided on the face of the check. The Finance Department will send a letter to the parent or guardian contact listed for payment of the returned check. Individuals for which checks are returned non-sufficient funds will be contacted and asked to pay via credit card if they do not respond to the initial mailed payment request.
The school will be responsible to collect money due for checks returned to the school’s activity account for activities, field trips, fundraisers, etc.
In the event the various parent groups related to the District receive a returned check, (PTA, PTSA, PTO, etc.) it will be that group’s responsibility to collect.
Request for Student Reimbursement/Refund
When a student/parent/guardian is due a refund for any reason, the school secretary will fill out a Request for Student Refund form and forward it to the Finance Department. The secretary will forward a copy of the student’s Infinite Campus account statement along with the request. If there are any outstanding fees on the student’s account or his/her sibling(s)’ account, the amount requested for refund will be applied to those fees. If the student’s account has a zero balance, and the amount to refund is less than $25, it will be applied to the account as a credit. If the amount of the refund is greater than $25, a refund check will be mailed to the parent/guardian listed on Infinite Campus.
Damage to District Property
When a student is deemed responsible for damage to District property by the staff at the school, the amount due the District or School will be added to the student’s account in Infinite Campus for collection.
Youth Options Program
If a student receives a failing grade or drops a Youth Options course for which the School Board has already made payment, the Board shall request the student to reimburse all costs related to the course. The amount will be invoiced to and is payable by the parent.
Library Charges/Fines
If library material(s) are lost, the cost of the material(s) is charged to the student. These charges are payable to the school library at any time. At the end of each school year, the charges for the lost library material(s) will transfer to the student’s Infinite Campus account. These charges are identified in this system by a description of Lost Library Material. The same process is used for materials that are extensively damaged. Students may pay these fines at the student’s school library, the school office, or at the ESC.
Overdue fines for library materials are charged to students when books/materials become seven days overdue in all our comprehensive high schools. These charges currently are set at $0.05 per day for overdue printed material, and $0.25 per day for overdue digital material. These overdue fines will stop once the total charge reaches $5.00. At that time the materials are considered lost, and the student will be charged for the full amount of the lost material cost.
A student who has paid for a lost library fine and finds the library book may return it to the school’s library for refund. The librarian will fill out a Request for Student Refund form available on the KUSD staff intranet, along with the Destiny Report and turn the form into the school’s secretary. The school secretary will review the student’s Infinite Campus account; if the student has outstanding fees with the district the library refund will be applied to those fees. However, if the student’s Infinite Campus account shows a zero balance and the refund of the library material(s) is less than $25 it will be applied to the account as a credit. If the refund of the library material(s) is greater than $25 a check will be issued to the parent/guardian listed in Infinite Campus.
Should you have any questions or concerns about your student’s library account please contact your child’s librarian or contact the District Library Media Teacher Consultant at 262-359-6300.
Food Services Department
On a weekly basis the Food Services Department will notify students who have a low balance or a negative balance. The notice is done in the form of a letter to the parent/guardian, and distributed by the student’s school office. A low balance is considered an account that is at or below $7.
If the food service department receives a returned check, a letter is generated by the department and sent to the parent who is listed as the contact for that student. Once payment is received for the returned check, the department will reverse the negative amount and enter in the amount listed on the check.
Payments for food service can be made online at MySchoolBucks, at the school office, or at the ESC building. Any questions regarding a student’s food services account should be directed to Food Services at 262-359-6300.
District Invoices
When a District building is used by an outside group / entity, a permit is to be completed including a fee for the usage. This information, along with an invoice request, shall be sent to the Finance Department, and an invoice will be generated. All other district departments charging for usage, such as copy center and athletic field usage, shall forward an invoice request along with any relevant information to the Finance Department; an invoice will be generated.
For all non-KUSD individuals or groups requesting documents, copy jobs or other media materials, the group will be pre-invoiced by Finance for a C.O.D. (cash on delivery) payment. No department / school should provide the materials without receiving payment.
The Finance Department will monitor payments. Collection procedures for past due invoices will be evaluated for formal legal collection action, including the Wisconsin Tax Refund Intercept Program.
Contact Information
For additional information, contact the KUSD Finance Department at 262-359-6300.