
Pay your fees online in Infinite Campus

Base student fees

  • High schools:  $67
  • Middle schools:  $72
  • Elementary schools:  $44
  • Preschool:  $22

(Base fee includes individual project materials and workbooks)

Program fees

  • Kenosha Military Academy Leadership:  $25

Course fees

  • Technology Education (LakeView Academy):  $35

Athletic fees

  • High school:  $75 per sport ($10 earmarked for building athletic uniforms, $150 max. per student, $300 max. per family)
  • Middle school:  $50 per sport ($5 earmarked for building athletic uniforms, $100 max. per student, $200 max. per family)
  • Hockey participation fee:  $900

Other school fees

  • Activity fee (high school):  $15 ($30 max. per student, $60 max. per family; for debate, forensics, academic decathlon, cheerleading, robotics & other competitive events)
  • Music activity fee (high school):  $30 ($60 max. per student; $120 max. per family; for jazz ensemble, chamber orchestra, madrigal singers, golden strings, theater and drama)
  • Instrument usage (middle and high school):  $50 ($50 max. per student, $100 max. per family)
  • Parking (high school):  $50 ($30 for only second semester)

Miscellaneous school fees

  • Fines for lost or damaged locks (middle school, high school):  $9
  • Copy of student records (per page):  $0.50
  • Lost I.D./library card:  $1.50
  • I.D. card lanyard replacement:  $0.50
  • Library fines and breakage:  charges at cost
  • Students unable to pay per School Board Policy 3280
