School Closing Procedures

Only the superintendent of schools and/or their designee is authorized to close school buildings due to inclement weather and/or intermittent emergency/crisis situations.

Procedures for Emergency Closing

  • Announcement will be made via KUSD text alerts, website, channel 20 and social media along with other various local news and radio stations no later than 5 a.m. unless emergency circumstance require otherwise.
  • If buildings are closed, all after-school activities, including sports, fine arts and evening events, also will be canceled.
  • When KUSD schools are closed, no transportation will be provided to private or parochial schools.

Procedure 1


Procedure 2

  • ALL SCHOOLS OPEN 2 HOURS LATE (No a.m. or p.m. early childhood, speech impact or 4K classes)

Procedure 3

  • ALL SCHOOLS CLOSED (No students report and the Kenosha Senior Center is closed)

