Policy 5533 – Communicable Disease

Communicable disease control procedures shall be maintained in cooperation with the public health department. The health department shall be notified at once by the principal/designee who knows or suspects that a communicable disease is present in a District school.

The principal may exclude students from school and school-related activities if they are suspected of or diagnosed as having a communicable disease that poses a significant health risk to others or that renders them unable to pursue their studies. Students excluded from school may appeal their exclusion to the

The District recognizes that an individual’s health status is personal and private. Therefore, the District will handle information regarding students with suspected or confirmed communicable diseases confidentially in accordance with state and federal laws.

While recognizing that vomit, urine and saliva are not generally considered sources of bloodborne pathogens, all body fluids of students will be considered potentially infectious. Proper precautions will be taken by all District employees when coming in contact with such body fluids in accordance with the District’s exposure control plan.


  • Wisconsin Statutes
    • Sections: 118.125 Confidentiality/maintenance of student records
    • 118.13 Student discrimination prohibited
    • 121.02(1)(i) Safe and healthful facilities
    • 146.81-146.83 Patient health care records confidentiality
    • 252.15 Confidentiality of HIV-related information
    • 252.19 Communicable diseases; protection of the public
    • 252.21 Reporting suspected communicable diseases
  • Wisconsin Administrative Code
  • HSS 145 Communicable disease control
  • ILHR 32 Bloodborne pathogens plan requirement
  • Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Disability discrimination prohibited
  • Section 504 Rehabilitation Act of 1972 Handicap discrimination prohibited


  • 5110 Equal Educational Opportunities
  • 5310 Student Attendance
  • 5531R Emergency Care Procedures
  • 5533.1 Human Immunodeficiency Virus
  • 5533.2 Pediculosis (Head Lice)
  • 5534 Administering Medication to Students
  • District Exposure Control Plan

AFFIRMED: February 10, 1998