Policy 5531 – Emergency Care

The District shall provide for emergency care services. Each principal is responsible for establishing policies and procedures regarding emergency care in the building and during school-sponsored activities, including the designation and training of individuals to provide first aid. These policies and procedures will be developed with the assistance of school nurses and medical advisors where needed. Emergency care policies and procedures shall be consistently implemented and properly posted.

Emergency medical information cards shall be completed for each student and employee in the District. This information shall be maintained and disclosed in accordance with laws and regulations governing the confidentiality of student and personnel records.

First aid kits, personal protective equipment and other medical supplies necessary for providing emergency care services shall be maintained in each school and shall be readily accessible during school-sponsored activities. Records shall be maintained of all accidents and emergency care services rendered.

Emergency nursing services shall be reviewed annually.


  • Wisconsin Statutes
    • Sections: 118.07(1) First aid kit required
    • 118.125 Confidentiality/maintenance of student records
    • 118.29 Medication administration by school personnel
    • 121.02(1)(g) Emergency nursing services standard
    • Chapter 19, Subchapters II &V Public record law; personally identifiable information]
    • PI 8.01(2)(g) Wisconsin Administrative Code Emergency nursing services policy/procedure requirements]


  • 4260 Personnel Records
  • 5533 Communicable Disease Control
  • 5534 Administering Medication to Students
  • Emergency Safety and Preparedness Manual
  • District Exposure Control Plan

AFFIRMED: August 13, 1991


  • January 23, 1996
  • February 10, 1998

Rule 5531 – Emergency Care

    1. The principal shall designate an individual(s) to serve as the medical first aider(s). Each school will have at least one person trained in medical first aid. It is the responsibility of the principal to have a plan of action in place that will utilize the skills of the medical first aider(s).
    2. Training including annual retraining shall be provided to staff members designated as medical
      first aiders. In addition, special inservice sessions will be provided as needed for staff concerning health care procedures such as medication administration, bloodborne pathogens standards, frequent acute and chronic illnesses/diseases and confidentiality in the schools.
    3. School employees and volunteers, other than health care professionals, who in good faith render emergency care to a student are immune from civil liability for any of their acts or omissions in rendering such emergency care.
    1. Emergency information cards shall be completed for each student and employee in the District and kept on file in the principal’s or immediate supervisor’s office.
    2. Student emergency information cards or their facsimiles shall be readily available at all out-of-school activities, including field trips and sporting events.
    3. Student emergency information cards shall be made available to school officials determined to have legitimate educational interests, including safety interests, in the information. Such persons may include, but not necessarily be limited to, teachers, substitute teachers, guidance counselors, educational assistants, and other designated support staff, school nurses, coaches, advisors, activity chaperones and administrators.
    4. The emergency information cards of high-risk students should be highlighted with a red tab by the school nurse. On-going monitoring and assurance of student medical needs should be provided and implementation practices for each student in each school should be evaluated at least on a quarterly basis.
    5. Students with medical problems such as diabetes, epilepsy, allergies, etc., should be encouraged to wear “Medical Alert” identification.
    1. Schools are to provide only immediate and temporary care.
    2. Principals are to be notified of all emergency care given.
    3. Parents/guardians are to be notified using the emergency information card for necessary information.
    4. Students who are sick or have mild injuries should be escorted to a given destination and supervised until the parent/guardian assumes responsibility.
    5. In case of serious injury or illness, do not move student. Initiate school emergency plan including immediately calling 911. The school is not expected to transport injured/ill students
      The Office of Human Resources Insurance Claims Management Specialists should be notified immediately when a rescue squad is called and office staff will notify the Office of the Superintendent of SchoolsStudents who are sick or have been injured should not be placed on a school bus. Parent/ guardian should be called to escort student home. Exceptions may be made by the principal where warranted.
    6. The District’s bloodborne pathogens standards and procedures (exposure control plan) shall be consistently followed.
    1. In cases where communicable diseases are suspected, the student shall be referred to the office. The office will notify the student’s parent/guardian and recommend physician’s care.
    2. In case of injury to a student, the individual on duty will:
      1. Direct others to stay back.
      2. Notify the school office.
      3. Keep the injured calm.

      The office will contact the medical first aider and/or parent/guardian. The principal and/or the medical first aider will decide the course of action to follow.

    3. Accidents shall be reported to the Office of Human Resources Insurance Claims Management Specialists in accordance with Board policy and established procedures.
    1. Procedures identified above for injuries or illnesses occurring at school are to be followed. Copies of emergency cards are to accompany students on field trips. Access to a telephone for 911 services is essential. School procedures for administering medication are to be followed.
    2. Where necessary, special education students shall be accompanied on field trips and other activities by trained staff.
    3. A cellular telephone shall be available on all field trips where regular telephones are not readily available.
    4. Accidents shall be reported to the Office of Human Resources District Insurance Claims Management Specialist in accordance with Board policy and established procedures.
    1. A laminated card, detailing the District emergency/911 plan should be prominently displayed in each classroom and school area.
    2. Emergency telephone numbers shall be properly posted at each telephone.
    3. All student illness and injury complaints shall be documented, along with interventions utilized, on an illness/injury daily log maintained in the school office/nurse’s office. Such illnesses and injuries should be documented, regardless of their severity.