Policy 5118.3 – Retention/Acceleration

Students will normally progress through the grades on an annual basis. Exceptions to this progression will be made when it is deemed in the best interests of the student’s academic achievement.

Retention is providing the student with another opportunity to gain or reinforce learning based on the adopted course of study and objectives, by being reassigned to the same grade level.

Acceleration is providing the student, who has advanced academic achievement, with a more appropriate learning environment by being reassigned to a higher grade level.

A request for retention/acceleration may be initiated by a parent/guardian or by school personnel. The principal will have the authority to retain and accelerate students. Records will be kept of all retentions/accelerations. The parent/guardian will be informed of this placement.

No student shall be retained/accelerated more than once without written authorization of the Executive Director of School Leadership.

Grade promotion pertains to students in grades K-8. A major component of the achievement monitoring process at the high school level will be mandated tutorial as part of the District graduation requirements.


  • August 13, 1991
  • November 26, 1996

Rule 5118.3 – Retention/Acceleration

Retention/acceleration of a student shall be based on factors such as achievement, age, and the well-being of the student.

All schools have the goal of providing a successful and rewarding educational experience for all students. As part of this responsibility, it is necessary to identify early those students who appear to be inappropriately placed and devise a plan to assist them with their educational program. It is the responsibility of the principal to determine if a student will be promoted/accelerated to the next higher grade, retained with appropriate placement at the student’s current grade, or directed to a remediation procedure.


A student who exhibits serious academic deficiencies and/or who is not working commensurate with ability may be identified by the teacher(s) and/or parents/guardians. An assessment instrument such as the Light Retention Scale, will be administered to determine whether retention should be considered. If the response is affirmative, the student will be staffed at the building level. The Building Level Student Intervention Team will make a recommendation regarding retention.

Parents/guardians will be notified in writing of the possibility of retention at the first stage of the identification process and will be involved at all succeeding stages. Upon the recommendation for retention, a completed Retention Form will be discussed with the parent/guardian. The parent/guardian will be asked to sign the form and will be given a copy.


A student who demonstrates exceptional academic achievement for the current grade placement is not essentially challenging may be identified by the teacher(s) and/or parent/guardian. A review of grades, test results, and other achievement criteria will be completed. The student will be staffed at the building level. The staffing committee will make a recommendation regarding acceleration.

Parents/guardians will be notified in writing of the possibility of acceleration at the first stage of the identification process and will be involved at all succeeding stages. Whenever a recommendation for acceleration is made, a completed Acceleration Form will be discussed with the parent/guardian. The parent/guardian will be asked to sign the form and will be given a copy.

Appeal Procedure

Any parent/guardian who wishes to appeal the principal’s decision regarding placement may do so by written request to the Superintendent of Schools/designee within three (3) weeks of the notification of such a decision.