Policy 8870 – Public Participation at School Board Meetings

The School Board, as a representative body of the District, wishes to provide an avenue for any citizen to express interest in and concerns for the schools. Meetings of the Board shall be open to the public, except executive sessions, and the public shall be cordially invited to attend Board meetings.

Citizens wishing to present requests or views directly to the Board shall be afforded the privilege during the “Views and Comments” portion of the agenda at each regular Board meeting, and at special Board meetings as appropriate. Consistent with the Board’s responsibility for conducting the business of the District in an orderly and efficient manner, public presentations may be regulated.

Citizen comments and questions at any Board meeting may deal with any topic related to District issues or concerns and/or the Board’s agenda. However, in public session, the Board shall not hear irrelevant, repetitive, or abusive speech that causes disruption to the orderly conduct of the meeting. The Board also shall not hear discussion of confidential personnel disputes or grievances involving individual school employees that do not implicate issues of public concern, or individual student disciplinary matters, as there are other channels available in the District that provide for consideration and disposition individuals of such matters. The Board President may set time limits and other administrative requirements as appropriate on the public’s participation at Board meetings.

In lieu of speaking during the “Views and Comments” portion of the agenda, timely received written communication will be accepted by the Board and the name of the author of the written communication will be read into the Board minutes. Also, citizens may write to the Board to ask questions, express concerns and make proposals or comments for consideration by the Board. Written communication to the Board should normally be addressed to the Board President. Citizen comments will be limited to three minutes per person and conclude after 45 minutes unless otherwise determined by a motion to extend speaking time approved by a majority vote.


  • Wisconsin Statutes
    • Sections 19.83(2) [Board discussion of matters raised during period of public comment]
    • 19.84(2) [Public notice of public comment period]


  • 8710, Regular School Board Meetings
  • 8720, Special School Board Meetings


AFFIRMED: December 28, 1990


  • August 26, 1997
  • July 10, 2001
  • June 25, 2002
  • June 24, 2003
  • December 14, 2010
  • February 25, 2014
  • February 24, 2015
  • March 26, 2024

Rule 8870 – Public Participation at School Board Meetings

Presentations to the School Board by members of the public shall be regulated in the following manner:

  1. Individual wishing to speak during the “Views and Comments” portion of the Board meeting shall sign up online using the link provided in the meeting agenda notice. The sign-up list will not be opened to the public until the agenda has been provided for public viewing. Individuals can also sign up to speak by adding their name to the printed speaker list on the day of the meeting once the doors have been opened and must be done prior to the commencement of the meeting.
  2. Speakers shall be limited to three minutes and to speaking only once during the “Views and Comments” portion of each meeting. Time for speaking will be allocated only by the Board President, or other presiding officer, and may not be reallocated by speakers to others. The Board President, or other presiding officer, may honor a request to permit a speaker more time than provided, for good reason, hearing no objection from the Board.
  3. The “Views and Comments” portion of regular and special meeting agendas shall conclude after 45 minutes at the beginning of the meeting. This time allotment may be extended by a majority vote of the Board.