Policy 8500 – School Board Powers and Duties
The School Board shall have the possession, care, control and management of the property and affairs of the District and adopt an annual budget to fund the education program and operation. It shall operate within state and federal laws and do all things reasonable to promote the cause of education, including establishing, providing and improving school district programs, functions and activities for the benefit of students. The School Board can take official action only when its individual members meet together in legal session.
The School Board’s major role is policy making. The School Board formulates and adopts School Board policies regarding the employment of staff personnel, educational programs, rules governing pupils, physical plant and equipment, finances and public information.
Except as otherwise provided for by School Board action, administration and execution of District policies shall be assigned to the Superintendent of Schools as the chief administrative officer.
- Wisconsin Statutes
- Sections 120.10 [Powers of annual meeting]
- 120.12 [School board duties]
- 120.13 [School board powers]
- 8300, School Board Legal Status
- 8510, Board Policy Development and Revision
AFFIRMED: May 25, 1993
- July 10, 2001
- February 24, 2015