Policy 6634 – Assistive Technology
The District endorses the provision of universally designed learning environments to meet students’ needs in the least restrictive environment. The environment is designed to be usable by all students to the greatest extent possible without the need for adaptation or specialized design. For those students whose needs are not fully met using this approach, assistive technology devices and services may be required. In accordance with legal requirements, assistive technology must be considered for all students with special educational needs by the student’s individualized education program (IEP) team.
Those students having special needs but not requiring a formal IEP according to law will also be considered for assistive technology devices and/or services on a case-by-case basis consistent with legal requirement, District policies and procedures.
- Wisconsin Statutes
- Section 120.13 [Board power to do all things reasonable for cause of education]
- 120.13(5) [Board power to purchase books, equipment and materials for use in schools]
- PI 13, Wisconsin Administrative Code [programs and services for LEP students]
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act [provision of assistive technology devices and services for students with disabilities]
- Assistive Technology Act of 1998 [assistive technology devices and services]
- Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act [reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities]
- Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 [reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities]
- 5110, Equal Educational Opportunities
- 6100, District Vision
- 6110, Instructional Program Mission and Beliefs
- 6421.2, Least Restrictive Environment
- 6421.3, Individualized Education Program (IEP)
- 6421.4, Due Process Procedural Safeguards for Special Education Students
- 6430, Instructional Arrangements (The Learning Situation)
- 6460, Testing Programs
- 6633, Use of Internet System
- Section 504 Educational Program Plan
- Bilingual-Bicultural (ELL) Program Plan
- Special Education Program and Procedure Manual
AFFIRMED: November 22, 2005