Policy 6530 – Community Resources

The School Board encourages the use of community resources and citizens to assist in furthering the educational program.

Prior approval of the building principal shall be required before any person or group appears before students or at a school-sponsored activity for the purpose of furthering the educational program. School volunteers for specific purposes shall be approved and appointed by the administrator in charge.

To ensure the safety and well-being of students and staff, visitors will either complete a criminal background check or comply with all visitor management processes and procedures. KUSD requires all individuals who will be unsupervised and/or have little to no staff oversight while having direct access to students to complete a criminal background check. Examples include tutors, mentors, volunteers, chaperones and other non-KUSD staff who will be responsible for the safety and well-being of students. If an individual serving in this capacity can establish that they are subject to a criminal background check at least as extensive as KUSD’s, a waiver will be considered (e.g. police and fire personnel). The district requires all other visitors who will have staff-supervised access to students (e.g. guest speakers, parent helpers, etc.) during school hours to adhere to all current visitor management processes and procedures, including checking in at the front office. The principal, or the principal’s designee, has the discretion to approve any visitors to the school and to determine what conditions, if any, will apply to the visit.

The principal or other administrator may appoint a parent advisory committee to assist in furthering the educational program.


  • Wisconsin Statutes
    • Section 120.13 [Board power to do all things reasonable for the cause of education]


  • 1600 – Visitors
  • 2720 – Shared Decision Making
  • 4332 – Criminal Background Checks
  • 6100 – District Vision
  • 6110 – Instructional Program Mission and Beliefs
  • 6810 – Teaching about Controversial Issues

ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS: 6810, Hypnosis or Mind Control Activities

AFFIRMED: December 28, 1990


  • January 29, 2002
  • August 22, 2023