Policy 6422 – Homebound Instruction

In keeping with the District philosophy that views education as a process of continual growth, homebound instructional services shall be provided to students who are absent from school for at least 10 consecutive school days due to confirmed physical, medical or emotional reasons.  These homebound services may include but not limited to, virtual interactions and support, remote monitoring, and/or in-person visits.


  • Wisconsin Statutes
    • Section 115.79 (1) (d) [Special classes, separate schooling or other removal of a student with a disability from the regular educational environment]



AFFIRMED: March 11, 1997


  • January 29, 2002
  • December 10, 2024

Rule 6422 – Homebound Instruction Guidelines

Homebound instructional services may be provided to any student who is unable to attend classes for at least ten consecutive school days due to a confirmed physical, medical or emotional reason. The instruction is designed to provide support for the basic academic courses so that when students return to school they will not be at a disadvantage because of the identified reason(s).

To qualify for homebound instructional services, the parent/guardian needs to submit the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction PHYSICIAN’S STATEMENT-HOMEBOUND INSTRUCTION form requesting homebound instructional services to the Chief Academic Officer or designee. The student’s physician must fill out this form in its entirety.

Homebound instructional services may be offered in elementary core subjects and in secondary subjects that do not require laboratories and special equipment and is subject in all cases to the availability of qualified teachers.  Any pre-existing IEP and/or 504 plan for any homebound student would be reviewed for appropriate services and accommodations. The IEP or 504 team, which includes the parent/guardian and relevant school personnel, will convene within five (5) school days of the request to review the student’s needs and determine if homebound instruction is the most appropriate placement.  The team will modify the IEP or 504 Plan, as necessary, to reflect the provision of homebound instructional services.  A plan will be developed to provide the student with academic instruction consistent with their IEP or 504 Plan, ensuring continuity of education during the homebound period.  The amount and frequency of instruction will be based on the student’s health and ability to engage with the curriculum, with a minimum of three (3) hours per week of instruction unless otherwise determined by the IEP team.  Each building principal will collaborate with the Chief Academic Officer or designee to ensure compliance with homebound instructional services based on each situation.