Policy 5475 – Special Education Programs for Students With Disabilities

The School Board, as the governing body of a local education agency (LEA), affirms its responsibility to make appropriate special education programs and related services available to students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations.  While this policy primarily addresses the District’s special education program under the IDEA, the District recognizes that the various state and federal laws create both complimentary and independent rights, protections, and obligations.  That is, special education under the IDEA represents only one aspect of the District’s comprehensive program for students with disabilities.  Further, in order to meet the needs and respect the legal rights of all students with disabilities, the District recognizes that it must not only maintain a comprehensive system of general processes and supports, but also assess each student as an individual and each situation in its unique context.




AFFIRMED: August 13, 1991


  • February 10, 1998
  • September 14, 1999
  • January 28, 2025

Rule 5475 – Special Education Programs for Students With Disabilities

IDEA Policies, Procedures, and Forms

The district’s special education policy and procedure manual is based on the model prepared by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI), presently without District-specific substantive modifications. The district’s special education forms are also based on the DPI model special education forms, presently with District-specific substantive modifications, which are available in the district’s Student Information System.

The Director of Special Education and Student Support shall have the authority and responsibility to approve and implement changes to the district’s special education procedures and forms as are necessary to comply with applicable law. However, any changes to the district’s special education policies presented to the Board for approval.

IDEA Programs and Services

Specific educational programs and services for students with disabilities shall be determined by the student’s individualized education program (IEP) team and be based on an assessment of the student’s individual needs.  Students with disabilities shall participate in academic assessments required by law and the district, with or without accommodations, or in alternate assessments as outlined in the student’s IEP.

The Director of Special Education and Student Support will designate and maintain a current list of the District employees who are authorized to serve as the local education agency (LEA) representative on District IEP teams and in other special education processes.

The District may contract with its assigned Cooperative Educational Service Agency (CESA), other public school districts, and other qualified persons to provide special education programs and/or services whenever the District determines that such contracting would appropriately meet the needs of the student(s) and otherwise serve as an appropriate means of implementing the special education and related services defined in each student’s IEP.

Reports, Audits, and Plans

The Director of Special Education and Student Support or his/her designee shall complete and timely submit all special education report forms, audit materials, and District plans as may be required by any state or federal agency in relation to the District’s programs for students with disabilities.