Policy 5138.1 – Entering and Leaving the Building
No student shall be permitted within the school building before or after regular school hours except when participating in school-related activities under authorized adult supervision. Principals will make arrangements for students to enter buildings earlier during inclement weather.
REVISED: August 13, 1991
Rule 5138.1 – Entering and Leaving the Building
Students may enter the building in accordance with building regulations. Parents/guardians and students will be given information pertaining to the opening of school in the morning and the closing of school in the afternoon. Individual student needs may be handled by special arrangement as approved by the principal.
Only students who are requested to remain after school who are participating in a teacher supervised activity, or those attending a supervised school activity shall remain in the building after dismissal. Principals shall notify parents/guardians at the beginning of the school year of rules and regulations regarding the use of school buildings.
Each school principal shall develop and disseminate to staff written rules on building use procedures regarding the arrival, dismissal, and supervision of students to assure safe and orderly conduct in the building, on school grounds, and in supervised areas adjacent to schools.
Elementary School Supervision
- Entrances and exits shall be established for all classes to provide safety and to eliminate overcrowding.
- Supervision for playgrounds/assigned areas is provided before school and after the regular dismissal in accordance with plans developed by the building principal.
- Teachers will be on duty in the corridors as the students enter the building and at dismissal to supervise students.
- Students who leave the building when dismissed shall not return without permission.
Secondary School Supervision
- Fifteen (15) minutes after dismissal, no student shall be permitted in school corridors unless such student is required to remain for school sponsored or authorized activities under proper supervision.
- Teachers will be on duty in the corridors at passing time, as the students enter the building and at dismissal to supervise students.
- Where necessary, individual schools will develop procedures for those students who are required to be in the building before or after regular school hours.