Policy 3110 – Annual Operating Budget
The School Board shall establish an annual operating budget in accordance with state law. This budget is the financial plan for the operation of the District. It provides the framework for both expenditures and revenues for the year and translates into financial terms the educational programs and priorities for the District. The purpose of the annual operating budget is to identify financial resources for the educational program of the District and to provide a basis for accountability in fiscal management. Budgets will be developed to include funds categorized under the Wisconsin Uniform Financial Accounting Requirements (WUFAR).
The Superintendent of Schools and staff will assume responsibility for the preparation of the budget for presentation and review by the Board. The budget shall be developed in accordance with established goals set by the Board of Education within the time frame outlined in the annual decision-making and budget calendar.
The Board shall hold a public hearing on the proposed budget and annual meeting with sufficient advance notice. The Chief Financial Officer shall be responsible for providing this notice and for publishing a summary of the proposed budget in accordance with state law requirements. The Board shall adopt the final operating budget at a Board meeting held after the budget hearing and annual meeting, no later than November 1st of each year.
Following adoption, the Chief Financial Officer shall be responsible for the administration of the budget in accordance with state law and District policies. The Board expects the administrative staff to manage the District within the budget amounts established for their particular school, department, or program.
- Wisconsin Statutes
- Sections 65.90 (School district) budgets
- 125.08(1) (Annual meeting)
- 120.10 (Annual meeting powers)
- 120.11(3) Board review of district accounts/report to annual meeting)
- Exhibit 3110 Annual Operating Budget (Calendar)
- 3111 School Board Budget
- 3112 Budget Administration
- Fiscal Impact Statement
- Financial Accounting
- 3220 Funding Proposals and Grants
- 3230 Borrowing, Bonds and Promissory Notes
- 3323 Fund Balance
- 3420 Purchasing
- 3711 Improvement for Maintenance Projects
- 8750 Annual School District Meeting
AFFIRMED: March 26, 1991
- February 14, 1995
- December 17, 1996
- March 24, 1998
- November 9, 1999
- November 26, 2002
- October 28, 2003
- December 18, 2007
- September 25, 2012
- December 17, 2013
Rule 3110 – Annual Operating Budget
The District shall adhere to the following guidelines and decision-making procedures and develop an annual budget based on an annual budget calendar. The following administrative decision-making and budget development responsibilities shall be completed according to the prescribed time frame.
- Budget Document(s)
- The annual operating budget shall be the financial plan for the operation of the District and shall provide authority for the obligation of funds, except for School Board expenditures and all major maintenance projects. Separate budgets shall be developed for the Board and major maintenance projects.
- The budget document shall include all existing indebtedness, anticipated revenues, proposed appropriations for the following year, and include all anticipated unexpended or un-appropriated balances and surpluses for each budgetary fund. It also must show actual revenues and expenditures for the preceding year.
- Budget Preparation
- The Chief Financial Officer shall be responsible to the Superintendent for the preparation of the budget.
- The Finance Office shall provide guidance and budgeting parameters to be used by all District budget managers as they build their respective budgets.
- All major maintenance projects, shall be submitted to the School Board in priority order for approval. Any subsequent changes to the ranking of priorities must be communicated to the Board in writing and approved by a majority vote of the Board before any work begins except emergency maintenance conditions which may endanger persons, land, physical plant or equipment. Emergency maintenance may be carried out with the approval of the Director of Facilities and timely reporting to the Board at the next regular School Board meeting.
- Budget Review/Adoption
- The Superintendent shall review the proposed budget with the Board according to the time line listed on the annual operating budget calendar. The District will account for all eligible activities within the community service fund 80. Administration will annually designate the services/programs that are eligible. A fiscal report will be attached to recommendations for new programs or revisions of existing programs.
- A summary of the proposed budget, notice of the place where the detailed budget may be examined, and notice of the time and place of the public hearing on the proposed budget will be published as a Class I notice (one insertion) at least 10 days prior to the time of the public hearing on the budget and the annual meeting. The Chief Financial Officer is responsible to the Superintendent for providing this notice.
- The budget hearing and annual meeting shall be conducted in accordance with state law. Only those residents of the Kenosha Unified School District who attend may speak, make or second motions, and vote at the annual meeting of the District electors.
- The Board shall, after the public hearing and annual meeting, adopt the annual operating budget for the District by November 1st of each year. Certification of the tax levy required by the budget shall be made to the clerks of the District’s municipalities, in accordance with state law. The Chief Financial Officer will prepare the necessary tax levy certification forms for the signature of the School District Clerk and deliver them to the appropriate municipal clerks.
- Following adoption of the budget, the Finance Office shall prepare and publish the adopted budget and supporting detail as soon as possible.
- Budget Implementation
- The Chief Financial Officer will be responsible to the Superintendent for the supervision of the adopted budget.
- Designated Budget Managers will be responsible to the Superintendent for the application of their respective allocations.