Policy 1720 – Complaints About School Personnel

In keeping with the ultimate goals of serving the educational welfare of children, the District shall develop and practice reasonable and effective methods of resolving difficulties that may arise among employees. The intent is to reduce potential areas of concern and establish and maintain recognized channels of communication between staff and administration. This problem-solving procedure serves to secure, at the lowest possible administrative or supervisory level, proper and equitable solutions to problems.

Any person wishing to complain about the actions or decisions of any teacher or other employee may register his/her concerns in accordance with established District procedures. The Superintendent/designee is designated as the complaint officer for the District. It is the function of the designated officer to establish complaint procedures, and monitor and facilitate the processing of complaints, i.e., incidents not related to negotiated items.

School Board members shall be encouraged to refer persons making complaints about the schools or school personnel to the appropriate administrative office, whereupon established procedures will be followed.

Any School Board member receiving complaints relative to the Superintendent shall make the Superintendent aware of such complaints and shall bring the matter to the attention of the School Board if appropriate.


  • 4110, Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action
  • 4111, Employee Harassment
  • 4211, Staff Communications to the School Board
  • 4270, General Employee Complaints
  • 8610, Board Member Authority


AFFIRMED: December 28, 1990


  • March 9, 1999
  • February 25, 2003
  • December 19, 2006

Policy 1720 – Complaints About School Personnel

These procedures should be followed in registering a complaint about school personnel. Whenever feasible, administrators adjudicating complaints or controversies shall involve both the complainant and the other person in discussions in an effort to resolve the problem.

Step 1: Persons with complaints regarding school personnel shall consult with the principal or other administrator who is the immediate supervisor of the employee against whom the complaint is made. Such administrator will investigate the complaint and will advise the complainant of the disposition of the matter.

If delay in obtaining relief would negate the satisfaction of or decision sought by the complainant, a complaint may be made directly to the Superintendent of Schools.

Step 2: If the matter is not satisfactorily resolved at the building or District departmental level, the complaint may be submitted to the Superintendent for investigation and disposition. The complaint must be submitted in written form to the Superintendent and include a signed statement of charges that contain sufficient detail to warrant and permit adequate           investigation. Upon investigation of the complaint, the Superintendent shall respond to the complainant.