Administrative Regulation 6423 – Grade K-5 Enrichment Elementary Resource Support

Resources and support through the resource personnel are available to classroom teachers in accommodating the emerging and developing talents of any student.

    Materials are provided and available to teachers, parents, students, counselors, principals and any other district staff member upon request. Materials are placed in each school library, in the IMC professional collection for the Talent Development Program and in duplicated materials for specific requests.
    • Classroom TeachersSchool visits are scheduled upon request, teaching strategy lessons are modeled, conferring about specific students, planning for instruction and classroom management are several ways classroom support is provided to teachers.
    • School CounselorsAnnually a meeting with school counselors is held to discuss the affective needs of gifted and talented students. Materials are available in the IMC professional library and through the teacher consultant.
    • ParentsParents may request information and/or support concerning their child/children. Materials for enrichment activities for use at home are also available.
    • StudentsStudent packets or enrichment portfolio materials are prepared upon request of a teacher or parent. Interest interviews with individual students is done to determine interests and topics for independent study. A mini review of the students’ abilities and cumulative records may be done to assist in planning student learning goals.
    • PTA and Other Parent OrganizationsPresentations are made regarding the Talent Development Program and the elementary Enrichment Magnet Program
    On a volunteer basis a teacher or staff member in each elementary building is assigned as liaison. The purpose of the position is to provide an avenue with which to share information between the teacher consultant and the elementary sites.
  4. STAFF DEVELOPMENT – Staff development is provided in several ways:
    • KUSD Inservice CoursesDuring each school year and summer sessions, inservice courses may be offered regarding pertinent topics in talent development.
    • Conferences/Conventions Staff members are kept current about upcoming conferences and conventions that deal with topics of talent development.
    • WorkshopsWorkshops during the school day may be offered to provide information and training to teachers about talent development needs.
    • Collaboration – Classroom teachers, resource specialists and learning specialists will integrate instructional strategies and curriculum.
    A list of students who have been identified for talent development services and remain at their “home” school site is provided to each elementary building.
    Information about the Talent Development Program and the elementary Enrichment Magnet Program is contained in a brochure available to the public.