Administrative Regulation 5531 – Emergency Care
Many medical emergency situations in a building may not require 911 intervention, but still require a plan for handling the situation. The medic first responder in each building is responsible for drafting an emergency plan for the building. The following is a list of guidelines for drafting such a plan. It includes points to include and things to remember in developing the plan.
Remember, if the emergency requires activation of the city EMS System (911), the District 911 Emergency Plan must be followed.
- The first person to reach the child MUST stay with the child until the Medic First Responder, nurse, parent, or paramedics take over. Do not leave the child alone to go for help.
- Persons who respond to an emergency should be reminded to remain calm, to try to calm the victim and other children in the area by speaking in a calm, confident manner.
- There should be a definite plan for who will take over classes, etc., for medic first responders who respond to an emergency.
- The principal or other administrator should always be notified. Plan should state who is responsible for this notification.
- Parents must always be notified. Plan should state who is responsible for parent notification.
- In some cases, the custodian may need to be notified. These would include situations where:
- A large area needs to be roped off or secured to prevent injury to others (broken glass, etc.).
- An area is contaminated with blood or other body fluids. The custodian is responsible for decontamination of such areas and proper disposal of medical waste.
- The child’s emergency card (or a copy of it) should be brought to the scene. Plan should state whose responsibility it is to make sure that this happens.
- All medical situations must be documented on the Health Log and more serious occurrences require an accident report to be filled out. Plan should state who is responsible for this.
- Never send a seriously ill or injured student to the office. Have the medic first responder or nurse report to where the student is located.
- Children with asthma, diabetes, or seizure disorders who are ill should be accompanied to the office.
- Plan should state that all persons who give first aid MUST use universal precautions and wear gloves.
- Teachers should be issued gloves at the beginning of the school year.
- Playground supervisors should also have gloves handy.
- If there are children in the building with latex allergies, vinyl gloves should be used routinely.
- Remind staff that their demeanor and tone during an emergency will set the tone of those around them.
- Someone should be assigned to handle other children in the area, human traffic, keep the scene clear. Plan should indicate who will take responsibility for this.
- Remember that ALL medic first responders must annually be recertified in CPR and Foreign Body Airway Obstruction (Heimlich, etc.) The Medic First Aider Program, and the District Blood Borne Pathogens Program.
- All building staff should attend the District Blood Pathogens Program, review the District 911 emergency and their building emergency plans. It is recommended that staff take a CPR/FBAO class for their own knowledge.
- Medic first responders shall be responsible for getting the Red Emergency Bag to the scene of the problem. They are also responsible for making a list of supplies, equipment used so that the Public Health Nurse can reorder these. Medic first responders must restock the bag as soon as possible after the incident (contact the Public Health Nurse for assistance in getting supplies).
- It is recommended that playground staff have gloves, gauze, band aids, paper and pen, and a form of communication with them at all times. Form of communication could be a flame orange or red 3 x 5 laminated card that states “SEND MEDICS” or “CALL 911.”
- Remember to debrief other students once the injured or ill student is safely out of the building.