
Student volunteers sought for KUSD standing committees

Kenosha Unified School District

KUSD is seeking junior and/or senior student volunteers to serve on its Audit/Budget/Finance, Curriculum and Program, Personnel, and Planning and Facilities standing committees, as well as a student representative for each of its school board meetings.

Each standing committee will have two student representatives selected who will serve a one-year term and will be required to attend quarterly meetings, which are slated for Oct. 13, 2020, Feb. 9, 2021, April 13, 2021, and June 8, 2021.

Selected board meeting student representatives will attend only one board meeting, which will occur on Oct. 27, 2020, Nov. 17, 2020, Dec. 8, 2020, Jan. 26, 2021, Feb. 23, 2021, March 23, 2021, April 26, 2021, May 25, 2021, June 22, 2021, or July 27, 2021.

Interested juniors and/or seniors must submit this form citing the committee on which they wish to serve and/or their interest to serve as a student ambassador at one of the school board meetings, as well as the reasons they would like to serve, no later than Friday, Sept. 25.

Please note: submitting the form does not guarantee selection for a committee or board meeting slot. Submissions will be reviewed and students selected based on availability and reasons they would like to serve.