
Regular School Board Meeting – Jan. 26, 2021 at 7 p.m.

Meeting Agenda (PDF)

In an abundance of caution due to the pandemic, a virtual option for views and comments by the public will now be available at KUSD Regular and Special School Board meetings via Google Meet, which requires users to have the Google browser installed.

To sign up to speak, both virtual and in-person speakers may utilize this sign-up form (https://forms.gle/qkT9AMRnoGLyETog6) or call the Superintendent’s office at 262-359-6320.

All requests to speak virtually must be received no later than 24 hours prior to the posted start of the meeting to ensure verification of email addresses. Virtual speakers will be sent a link to the Google Meet the morning of the meeting date. This link is not to be shared, and should only be used by the designated speaker.

All virtual speakers should enter the meeting using the link no later than 10 minutes prior to the meeting to verify audio and video connections.

Once in the Board meeting, speakers should keep mics muted until the Board president notifies them of their turn to speak. Once the person is done speaking, they should exit the Board meeting session and may then watch the remainder of the Board meeting at youtube.com/kenoshaschools or on Spectrum cable channel 20.