With the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Reuther Central High School’s International Club students decided that they wanted to do something to help the citizens of Ukraine who have been affected by this war. After some discussion, they decided they wanted to create a bulletin board to raise awareness and promote peace and for the school to participate in a “Penny War” to fundraise and send money to help Ukrainian citizens. They decorated boxes in Ukrainian colors and symbols of hope, then distributed them to 1st block teachers. After 1 week, the Reuther community has already raised more than $100 to be donated to Razom for Ukraine.
Cash, check, or coin donations from the public will be accepted at Reuther Central High School, 913 57th St., during regular school hours (8 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Friday) through Friday, March 18. Checks can be made out to Reuther Central High School.