Policy 6633 – Student Technology Acceptable Use Policy
The Kenosha Unified School District expects students to use technology in ways that promote a productive educational environment. For the purpose of this policy, technology shall be defined as district electronic devices, digital resources, private and public networks and electronic communication systems managed within Kenosha Unified School District. Primary responsibility for appropriate use of technology resides with students. Based on curriculum needs and available resources, students may be issued a mobile device (laptop) and charger for use while enrolled in KUSD. The assigned device is to be used solely for educational benefit and will be properly filtered and monitored to ensure compliance with federal guidelines on and off the KUSD network.
It is the duty of the district to maintain system integrity and ensure that the network is used in a responsible manner. While the district respects the privacy and security needs of all individuals, authorized district representatives may review, audit, intercept, access and/or disclose all communications created, received or sent using district technology. All communication, including text and media files, may be disclosed to authorized third parties (e.g. law enforcement, legal counsel, etc.) without prior consent of the sender or receiver.
In accordance with requirements of the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), technology protection measures shall be used, to the extent practical, to promote the safety and security of users. The district makes every reasonable effort to filter inappropriate content with the understanding that digital information is dynamic, which makes it challenging to predict or reliably control what information students may encounter. Notwithstanding reasonable efforts at prevention, there is still a risk that a student may, at some time, be exposed to particular content or participate in particular activities or communications that the District would consider harmful, deceptive, or otherwise inappropriate, or that a parent or guardian may find objectionable. Parents/Guardians of minors are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow when using the Internet.
Filtering, blocking or other protective technologies will also be used to decrease the likelihood that student users of the district systems and equipment might access materials or communications, other than visual depictions, that are inappropriate for students. KUSD invests multiple resources with regards to current internet and network filtering technologies, adjusting filter rules to best serve the users in a safe and appropriate manner.
For technology tools, including online interaction, KUSD may act as the authorizer for educationally valid and appropriate digital tools and resources. Applications and extensions are vetted for compliance with state and federal student privacy laws. District staff will work to review appropriateness and information sharing expectations for each site and tool prior to integration. Students may be asked to create user accounts on digital applications for educational purposes as they relate to classroom instruction. Safe and secure practices limit what student information can be shared in account creation and will be facilitated under the direct supervision of the classroom teacher or district personnel. Student information required to create such an account is typically limited to school email address, user name, or birthdate for age verification. No other personal information will be shared with these digital applications.
The district values digital citizens who safely and responsibly use digital tools while recognizing the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living in an interconnected digital world. Aligned with the Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act, Kenosha Unified School District will reinforce the instructional practices, such as:
- Safety and security while using email, virtual learning, social media, and other forms of direct electronic communications.
- Consequences of unauthorized access (e.g., “hacking”, “harvesting”, digital piracy”, “data mining”, cyberbullying, etc.) and other unlawful or inappropriate activities by students online.
- Unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personally identifiable information regarding minors.
- Approved educational integration of assistive or artificial intelligence utilities
Review and agreement of this Student Acceptable Use policy is an annual expectation for students and parents/guardians.
LEGAL REF.: Wisconsin Statutes
- Sections 118.258 [Electronic communication devices prohibited]
- 120.12(1) [School board duties]
- 120.13 [School board powers]
- 943.70 [Computer crimes]
- 947.0125 [Unlawful use of computerized communication systems]
- U.S.C. 17, Federal Copyright Law [Use of copyrighted materials]
- Children’s Internet Protection Act [Online safety]
- Neighborhood Children’s Internet Protection Act [Online safety]
- Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act [Online privacy protection]
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act [FERPA]
- Broadband Data Improvement Act Title II, Section 215 [Internet safe use]
- Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act
- 3531.1, Copyrighted Materials
- 4226, Staff Technology Acceptable Use
- 5111, Anti-Bullying/Harassment/Hate
- 5430, Student Conduct and Discipline
- 5437, Threats/Assaults
- 5473, Suspensions
- 5474, Student Expulsion
- 5475, Discipline of Students with Exceptional Educational Needs
- 6100, Mission, Vision, Core Values and Strategic Goals
- 6470, Student Records
- 6600, Instructional Resources
- 6610, Selection of Instructional Materials
- 6620, Library Resources
- 6634, Assistive Technology
AFFIRMED: November 28, 1995
- January 29, 2002
- May 22, 2007
- July 28, 2009
- June 28, 2011
- June 25, 2013
- March 22, 2016
- February 27, 2018
- September 24, 2019
- October 27, 2020
- August 22, 2023
Rule 6633 – Student Technology Acceptable Use Policy
General school rules for behavior and communications apply, including the district’s harassment policies. Students shall abide by district guidelines governing acceptable use of technology. Misuse of technology may result in loss of access privileges and disciplinary action may be taken. Appropriate legal action may also be taken against students performing illegal activities using technology.
Guidelines for acceptable technology use:
- KUSD students may be issued a KUSD district device to be used in both in person and remote/virtual learning environments. Even though this device is assigned to the student, it is considered property of the Kenosha Unified School District and should remain free of any personal markings or graffiti (including stickers, markers, glitter).
- Students shall not use any technology in a manner that poses a threat to academic integrity, disrupts the learning environment or violates the privacy right of others. Students shall not send, share, view or possess pictures, text messages, emails or other material depicting sexually explicit or offensive content in electronic communications of any other form using technology while on school grounds, at school sponsored events, or on school buses or vehicles provided by the district. Technology used to “bully” or post derogatory statements about district students or staff via text message, social media or other electronic platforms will result in disciplinary action.
- Students must abide by all applicable copyright and licensing laws when using technology within the district.
- Students shall maintain confidentiality of their usernames and passwords and shall not utilize usernames and passwords of others.
- All school related electronic publications are subject to approval and ongoing review by staff. All publications should reflect the mission and cores values of the school and district.
- Students shall not breach or disable network security mechanisms or compromise network stability or security in any way. Students shall refrain from utilizing proxy gateways to bypass monitoring or filtering.
- Students are responsible for reporting any inappropriate media or resources they encounter, regardless of who owns the technology involved.
- Students shall not use any technology for any purpose that would violate law or Board
- Students shall not use district technology resources for personal commercial activities not related to instruction. Personal purchase or sale of products or services is prohibited.
- Unless otherwise noted, all KUSD owned devices assigned to students are to be returned in working order once the student is no longer enrolled or upon the request of the district.
- Students shall not use district issued email address for account creation and login methods such as “Sign in with Google” for non-district approved applications and websites.
Additional guidelines specific to the use of student technology (i.e. Cell Phones):
- Each student is responsible for his/her personal technology and should use it responsibly and appropriately
- The district is not responsible for damaged, lost or stolen student-owned technology.
- The district is not responsible for the support or security of student-owned technology.
- Staff may grant permission to use student-owned technology in the classroom and must adhere to the guidelines set forth in this policy/rule.
- Students that are granted permission to use their own device will not be able to connect to the KUSD wireless network, and would have to rely on their own cellular/wireless data plans.
- Student-owned technology must not interfere with the operation and integrity of the district’s internal wired and wireless network
- Student-owned technology may be used before and after school, including while utilizing district transportation. High School students may use student owned technology during their designated lunch period.
- In emergency situations where the safety of students, staff, chaperones or bus drivers are in jeopardy, use of student-owned technology is permitted.
- Student-owned technology should be charged prior to school and run on battery power while at school.
- Students are not allowed to use peer-to-peer sharing for non-educational purposes.
Areas of Expected Privacy
- Students, school employees and other persons present on school property shall respect and protect the privacy interests of individuals who are using a locker room, restroom or other designated changing area. Students or employees who violate this policy, or any related rules or directives, shall be subject to school disciplinary action and possible legal referral. Other persons violating this policy may lose the privilege of using District facilities, may be referred to law enforcement and/or may be subject to penalties provided under applicable law.
- In keeping with the District’s objective of taking reasonable measures to protect the privacy interests of persons who are using a locker room, restroom or other changing area for an authorized purpose, all persons present on school property shall, at a minimum, observe the following measures:
- The use of recording and other electronic devices is substantially restricted in locker rooms, restrooms and other designated changing areas.
- No person may use a camera, video recorder, cell phone or any other device with recording capabilities at any time to capture, record, transmit or transfer an image or representation of an undressed or partially undressed person who is in any locker room, restroom or other designated changing area.
- No recording function (photographic, video, audio) of any type of device may be used in any non-emergency situation in such facilities at any time unless (1) the individual has received the prior permission of the District Administrator, building principal, or other District-designated facility supervisor; and (2) any person being recorded has consented to the recording. Such permission shall not be exercised when persons who are present in the facilities are actively using the area as a changing area, shower facility and/or restroom.
- In order to avoid any appearance of a violation of privacy or other impropriety, individuals present in such facilities are expected to restrict their use of the non-recording functions of any communications device or other multi-function device to (1) emergencies; or (2) situations where they have received the prior permission of the District Administrator, building principal, or other District-designated facility supervisor. That is, with these limited exceptions, voice calls, texting, etc. should not be occurring in such facilities.
- No person shall view or attempt to view from any concealed location, or in an otherwise secret or hidden manner, an undressed or partially undressed person who is using a locker room, restroom or other changing area.
- Loitering in a locker room, restroom or other designated changing area is prohibited.
- No media is allowed access to locker rooms before, during or after any school athletic event or practice. Coaches and student athletes may be available for interviews outside the locker rooms, consistent with District policy and school rules.
- When District employees or other District-designated individuals enter a locker room, restroom or other designated changing area in order to exercise their supervisory responsibilities (including any exchange of information with persons using the locker room), they shall exhibit due regard for the privacy of the individuals who may be using such facilities, including recognizing that the relevant privacy interests are heightened when an individual has a supervisory need to enter a facility designated for use by persons of the opposite sex.
- Nothing in this policy shall be interpreted to prohibit coaches and other athletic-team personnel from being present in a locker room, whether of same sex or of the opposite sex, in circumstances where the presence of such individuals would not compromise the privacy interests of student athletes or other persons who may be using the facility, such as during pre/post-game team meetings, halftime meetings, or other similar circumstances.