Policy 6770 – Interscholastic Athletics
The school board recognizes the role that interscholastic athletics plays in the total educational program. Interscholastic athletics is an outgrowth of the physical education and intramural programs and should provide opportunities for participation in a wide variety of sports.
Interscholastic athletics shall provide an educational example of the worth of hard work, physical conditioning, discipline, teamwork, competition and sportsmanship. Students will come to understand through participation in interscholastic athletics that any endeavor worth undertaking is worth doing to the best of one’s ability. Students shall be encouraged to develop their respective skills to the maximum of their abilities. Athletes shall be ever mindful that the athlete is also a student, and athletic endeavors shall not supplant other needs of the students such as satisfactory academic achievement.
It is the responsibility of the district to provide students who are interested in competitive athletics with appropriate coaching and facilities. Interscholastic athletic programs in the district shall be conducted under the general rules and regulations of the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA).
The district shall not discriminate in student athletic programs or activities, standards and rules of behavior, disciplinary actions or facilities usage on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin, color, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, physical, mental, emotional or learning disability or handicap. This policy does not, however, prohibit the district from placing a student in a program or activity based on objective standards of individual performance, providing separate programs in interscholastic athletics for males and females if such programs are comparable in type, scope and support from the district, or from providing separate toilet, locker and shower facilities. Discrimination complaints shall be process in accordance with established procedures.
- Wisconsin Statutes
- Sections 118.3 (Student discrimination prohibited)
- 120.12(23) (Board duty; encourage full participation of kindergarten through eighth grade students in extracurricular and recreational activities)
- 120.13 (Board power to do all things reasonable for the cause of education)
- 120.13(1)(a) (Board power to establish rules of conduct)
- Wisconsin Administrative Code
- PI 9.03(1) (Interscholastic athletics policy required to include nondiscrimination statement)
- 5110, Equal Educational Opportunities
- 5430, Student Conduct and Discipline
- 6100, Mission, Principles, Goals, Results
- 6700, Extracurricular Activities and Programs
- Athletic Code of Conduct
- WIAA Handbook
AFFIRMED: September 24, 1991
- January 29, 2002
- December 16, 2014
Policy 6770 – Guidelines for Interscholastic Athletics
- Interscholastic athletic programs shall be conducted in such a fashion that the physical welfare and safety of the participants are a primary objective.
- Middle level athletics are an extension of the total educational process. The mission of middle level athletics is to provide an enjoyable educational experience for young adolescents based on their developmental characteristics and needs, rather than the emphasis being placed on producing winning teams. The development of the young adolescent’s self-esteem, citizenship, responsibility and skill in cooperation and leadership behaviors are positive outcomes of appropriate middle level athletic programs.
- District secondary schools shall provide to all full-time Kenosha Unified School District students residing within their attendance area the opportunity to participate in all sports programs offered at their schools. The district athletic programs shall follow all Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletics Association (WIAA) rules and regulations and shall be in compliance with state and federal legal requirements, including Title IX regulations.
- Interscholastic athletic programs shall be subject to the same administrative control as the total education program.
- The personnel selected to conduct the athletic programs shall be individuals having proper training, emotional maturity, and a clear understanding of the objectives and values to be derived from the program.
- A year-round athletic training code shall be in effect for all secondary schools.
- Good sportsmanship shall be demonstrated on and off the field by athletes and coaches.
- Students involved in athletics should be ever mindful that their athletic endeavors should not supplant their academic needs.
- Spectators are an integral part of the athletic program and as such shall exhibit good sportsmanship.