Policy 6430 – Instructional Arrangements (The Learning Situation)
Teachers shall make every effort to devote sufficient time and resources to assist every student to achieve success commensurate with student’s ability.
- Wisconsin Statutes
- Sections 120.12(2) [Board duty; advise regarding instruction and progress of students]
- 120.13 [Board power to do all things reasonable for the cause of education]
- 5110, Equal Educational Opportunities
- 6100, District Vision
- 6110, Instructional Program Mission and Beliefs
- 6426, Program or Curriculum Modifications
- 6427, Individual and Remedial Services
- 6452, Student Progress Reporting
- 6600, Instructional Resources
- 6610, Selection of Instructional Materials
- 6620, Library Resources
AFFIRMED: August 13, 1991
REVISED: January 29, 2002
Rule 6430 – Guidelines for Providing Assistance to Students With Academic Problems
If a student refuses to complete assignments and/or participate in class activities and/or accept the availability of special help by a teacher, the teacher will confer with the student. The teacher may require the student to report after school and/or refer the student to the counselor if available and/or contact the parent/guardian. If such measures fail to improve the problem, a conference will be held with the student, parent/guardian, teacher(s) concerned, the principal/designee and the counselor for assessment to arrange remediation and/or counseling.
If the student and parent/guardian conferences do not solve the problem, the student will be referred to the individual school staffing committee for appropriate services. The student may be transferred to another teacher. The student must accept help and try, or must accept responsibility for failure.