Policy 6413.1 – Family Life Education (Instruction on Human Sexuality)
Instruction on human sexuality will provide information on healthy family life concepts and shall include:
- Instruction to support the respect for the integrity of the family.
- Teaching abstinence from sexual activities outside of marriage is the expected standard for all school-age children. The District will promote abstinence as the healthiest adolescent sexual behavior.
- Instruction to promote abstinence from sexual activity as the only effective method to avoid pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and other associated health problems.
- That a mutually faithful monogamous relationship through marriage is the best way to avoid sexually transmitted diseases and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
- Education for all students on the consequences of their sexual behavior.
- That no students will be required to take instruction in a unit dealing with human sexuality. If the parent or adult student requests an exemption in writing from the unit, a substitute unit of instruction will be provided.
- Program materials which will be available for parent examination.
- Certified professionals to teach the curriculum.
- Instruction which provides information on human physiology.
- Information on pregnancy prevention strategies, effectiveness rates and side effects.
Human sexuality will involve a curriculum plan consisting of a mission statement, program goals, and grade appropriate instruction. This curriculum policy will serve as a guideline for all future curriculum revisions, including the selection of related textbooks and materials.  Revisions in the curriculum plans and/or materials will be subject to School Board approval.
LEGAL REF.:Â Wisconsin Statutes
- Sections 118.01(2)(d)2c [Instructional program goals related to personal development]
- 118.019 [Human growth and development instruction]
- Wisconsin Administrative Code
- PI 41 [Accommodating a student’s religious beliefs]
- General Education Provisions Act (20 U.S.C. 1232h) [Protection of pupil rights]
- 5110, Equal Educational Opportunities/Discrimination Complaint
- 6330, Privacy Rights in District Programs
- 6810, Teaching About Controversial Issues
- Board-Adopted Family Life Educational Program Objectives
ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS: 6413.1, Guidelines for Parent Communications Regarding Family Life Curriculum Objectives
AFFIRMED: September 24, 1991
REVISED: January 29, 2002