Policy 5431.1 – School Uniforms

Voluntary programs encouraging use of a uniform style dress code for students may be instituted in District schools provided a site-based management decision-making process involving parents, staff, and students is followed.


  • Wisconsin Statutes
    • Section: 120.13(1)(a) School government rules
  • First Amendment, U.S. Constitution

CROSS REF.: 5431 Student Dress

APPROVED: May 28, 1996

REVISED: September 9, 1997

Rule 5431.1 – School Uniforms

Site councils, parent organizations, and/or site committees must express an interest in adopting a uniform style dress code for students. A parent survey will be conducted. The survey must state that the cost of the program will be incurred by parents/guardians. If a simple majority of parent respondents to the survey support a uniform style dress code for students, each school site will develop procedures to initiate the program.

The following criteria is to be included in the procedures for program implementation.

  1. Compliance with the program must be voluntary.
  2. The initial program will be in effect for two consecutive years whereupon it will be evaluated by the site committee with a recommendation of continuance or discontinuance.
  3. Programs will be initiated at the beginning of the school year and parents must be notified of the procedures prior to the end of the preceding school year.
  4. Where feasible, school sites will facilitate the purchase and resale of school uniforms.

A copy of the school site plan for implementation of a uniform style dress code for students will be submitted to the Superintendent/designee for approval prior to the initiation of the program.