Policy 4320 – Individual Employment Contracts

Individual employment contracts shall be issued in accordance with District Procedures that are aligned with state law.


  • Wisconsin Statutes
    • Sections 118.21 (Teacher contracts)
    • 118.22 (Renewal of teacher contracts)
    • 118.24(6) School District Administrators


  • 4110 Equal Opportunity Employment and Affirmative Action
  • 4223 Staff Misconduct Reporting
  • 4260 Personnel Records
  • 4330 Staff Selection and Hiring Process
  • 4361 Employee Resignation/Retirement
  • 4362 Employee Discipline


AFFIRMED: April 22, 1991


  • June 27, 2000
  • May 22, 2012
  • March 28, 2017

Rule 4320 – Individual Employment Contracts

  1. The Human Resources Office shall be responsible for the issuance of all instructional staff individual employment contracts.
  2. Principals/department administrators shall be responsible for collecting signed/unsigned contracts from instructional staff members who have been recommended for re-employment from the time contracts are issued until June 8 annually.
  3. After June 8, instructional staff members will return signed/unsigned contracts directly to the Human Resources Office.
  4. Principals/department administrators shall provide the Human Resources Office with a staff roster and appropriate supporting documents indicating compliance with District policy no later than June 10 annually.
  5. Instructional staff failing to turn in signed contracts by June 15 and who thereafter desire employment with the District must reapply for employment consideration.