Policy 4320 – Individual Employment Contracts
Individual employment contracts shall be issued in accordance with District Procedures that are aligned with state law.
- Wisconsin Statutes
- Sections 118.21 (Teacher contracts)
- 118.22 (Renewal of teacher contracts)
- 118.24(6) School District Administrators
- 4110 Equal Opportunity Employment and Affirmative Action
- 4223 Staff Misconduct Reporting
- 4260 Personnel Records
- 4330 Staff Selection and Hiring Process
- 4361 Employee Resignation/Retirement
- 4362 Employee Discipline
AFFIRMED: April 22, 1991
- June 27, 2000
- May 22, 2012
- March 28, 2017
Rule 4320 – Individual Employment Contracts
- The Human Resources Office shall be responsible for the issuance of all instructional staff individual employment contracts.
- Principals/department administrators shall be responsible for collecting signed/unsigned contracts from instructional staff members who have been recommended for re-employment from the time contracts are issued until June 8 annually.
- After June 8, instructional staff members will return signed/unsigned contracts directly to the Human Resources Office.
- Principals/department administrators shall provide the Human Resources Office with a staff roster and appropriate supporting documents indicating compliance with District policy no later than June 10 annually.
- Instructional staff failing to turn in signed contracts by June 15 and who thereafter desire employment with the District must reapply for employment consideration.