Policy 3270 – Rental and Sale of District Owned Real Estate

The Superintendent of Schools/designee has the authority to enter into rental agreements for vacant land owned by the District, with annual information reports to the School Board.

The sale of real estate owned by the District may only be made as authorized by the electors at an annual School District meeting, and by the Board.


  • Wisconsin Statutes
    • Sections 120.10(12) [Annual meeting power; sale of district property]
    • 120.13(17) [Board power; temporary use of school facilities]
    • 120.13(25) [Board power; lease of school property]


  • 1330 Use of School Facilities and Grounds
  • 3121 Financial Accounting
  • 3122 Accounts Receivable
  • 3310 Depository of Funds
  • 8750 Annual School District Meeting


AFFIRMED: March 26, 1991


  • October 28, 2003
    December 18, 2007

Rule 3270 – Rental and Sale of District Owned Real Estate

The Executive Director of Business Services is responsible to the Superintendent of Schools for the management of real estate owned by the District but not presently used for school purposes including buildings and land rental.

In addition to requiring electoral approval at an annual School District meeting, the sale of any District-owned real estate shall be approved by the Board publicly, in accordance with state law.

All proceeds from the rental and sale of District owned real estate will be deposited in the General Fund or as directed by the Board.