Policy 1600 – Visitors

Individuals may request to visit schools to become better acquainted with their operation and curriculum. Classroom visits may not interfere with instruction or violate student privacy rights and will be approved through and arranged by the principal and/or their designee.

To ensure the safety and well-being of students and staff, visitors will either complete a criminal background check or comply with all visitor management processes and procedures. KUSD requires all individuals who will be unsupervised and/or have little to no staff oversight while having direct access to students to complete a criminal background check. Examples include tutors, mentors, volunteers, chaperones and other non-KUSD staff who will be responsible for the safety and well-being of students. If an individual serving in this capacity can establish that they are subject to a criminal background check at least as extensive as KUSD’s, a waiver will be considered (e.g. police and fire personnel). The district requires all other visitors who will have staff-supervised access to students (e.g. guest speakers, parent helpers, etc.) during school hours to adhere to all current visitor management processes and procedures, including checking in at the front office. The principal, or the principal’s designee, has the discretion to approve any visitors to the school and to determine what conditions, if any, will apply to the visit.

Students from other schools shall be permitted to visit only for specific purposes and at times mutually agreed upon by the administrators of the schools. Registered sex offenders are required to comply with all requirements under section 301.475 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Policy 1610 prior to any visits to District property.

In accordance with section 120.13(35) of the Wisconsin Statutes, the district has the authority to establish conditions for entering or remaining in a District building, prohibit the entry of any person to a school of this District, or to require a visitor to leave when there is reason to believe the presence of such person would be or is detrimental to the good order of the school. If such an individual refuses to leave the school grounds or creates a disturbance, the Superintendent or their designee is authorized to request from the local law enforcement agency whatever assistance is required to remove the individual.

LEGAL REF.: Wisconsin Statutes

  • Sections 120.13 [Board power to do all things reasonable for the cause of education]
  • 120.13(1) [Board power to set conduct rules and to maintain good decorum and a favorable academic atmosphere]
  • 120.13(35) [Board power; presence of persons in school buildings] 121.02(1)(i) [Safe and healthful facilities standard]
  • 301.475 [Sex offenders to notify schools]
  • 947.01 [Disorderly conduct]
  • 947.013 [Harassment]


  • 1330 Facilities Use
  • 3600 School Safety
  • 3622 Access to School Buildings and Grounds
  • 1500 Solicitations/Fundraising
  • 1610 Registered Sex Offender
  • 6100 Mission, Principles, Goals, Results
  • 6530 Community Resources


AFFIRMED: December 28, 1990


  • February 25, 2003
  • December 19, 2006
  • February 28, 2023
  • August 22, 2023

Rule 1600 – Visitors

  1. Visitors who wish to visit a school or classroom during the school day will be asked to first report to the school office. Upon approval by the building principal or designee, such visitors will be permitted to observe the operation of the school or classroom instruction.
  2. Organizations approved for fundraising as outlined in Policy 1500 shall contact building administration to coordinate visits before or after school hours.
  3. The Superintendent, or their designee, has the authority and discretion to deny entry to any visitor attempting to access a school or other District property.