The Early College Credit Program (ECCP) allows all Wisconsin public and private students in high school grades who meet certain requirements to take postsecondary courses at a University of Wisconsin […]
The state of Wisconsin’s Early College Credit Program (ECCP) is a state sponsored program which allows students in high school grades to take post secondary courses which opens the door […]
The Start College Now Program is a post-secondary participation program sponsored by the Wisconsin Technical Colleges. This program is available to high school students in grades eleven and twelve who […]
The Start College Now Program is a post-secondary participation program sponsored by the Wisconsin Technical Colleges. This program is available to high school students in grades eleven (11) and twelve […]
High school students may apply to take college or technical college courses for both high school and college credit under the State of Wisconsin’s Early College Credit Program (ECCP) and […]
Director of Admissions: Ben Gorres 262-551-5981 Students and parents should refer to the Carthage College’s ECCP website for more information regarding registration instruction, course descriptions, and course schedules. Dual […]
Dual Credit Coordinator: Samantha Duczak 262-564-2322 Students and parents should refer to the Gateway Technical College website for information about courses, prerequisites, and schedules. You may also request a GTC […]
Academic credits shall be awarded for mastery of standards in grades nine through twelve. A student must earn 23.5 credits, as described in Rule 6456 to graduate from the Kenosha […]
The District shall accommodate parents/guardians who wish to have their children receive education in an alternative setting to a public school, including those participating in private schools or home-based private […]
The principal or designee of each school shall verify to the Office of Educational Accountability the number of students enrolled and such other information as may be required by Wisconsin […]
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