Handbook 2023-24
ITHSA Handbook 2023-24 – printable Google Doc version
Indian Trail High School and Academy
Indian Trail Academy (ITA) opened in the fall of 1998. The Academy is a choice school open to ninth through twelfth grade students living in Kenosha, Pleasant Prairie, and Somers and enrolled in the Kenosha Unified School District.
Our four Academies provide a curriculum that prepares students for possible career pathways school to university, school to technical college, school to workforce, and school to military. The Academies offer a unique approach to secondary education with four thematic programs that provide focused coursework centered around thematic areas. Each academy provides a strong education in the core academic courses while emphasizing one of four themes: Business, Communications, Medical Sciences, and Military.
In the fall of 2010, Indian Trail Academy was merged with a brand new, comprehensive high school creating Indian Trail High School and Academy (ITHSA) and welcomed its first comprehensive high school freshmen class. Students attending the comprehensive high school must live within Indian Trail’s boundary. The comprehensive high school offers core academic courses while providing a variety of elective courses and focuses on college and career readiness.
Students attending Indian Trail High School & Academy enjoy the same opportunities as other high schools and more athletics and extra-curricular clubs or activities. All Indian Trail High School and Academy students are invited to play for any of the Hawks’ sports teams and participate in any clubs and activities.
School Information
- Mascot: Hawk
- Colors: Purple, Black, and Silver
- Nickname: The Nest
- School Motto: “Do not follow the path made by others. Rather go where no path exists and blaze new trails.”
- Address: 6800 60th Street, Kenosha, WI 53144
- Phone: 262-359-8700
School Administration
- Principal: Scott Kennow
- Assistant Principal: Mercilie Toney (Student Assessment, Intervention, and Assessment)
- Assistant Principal: Karen DuChene (Scheduling, Staff Development)
- Assistant Principal: Matt St. Martin (Student Leadership, Support, and Discipline)
Moral imperative: ALL students will have an equal opportunity to prepare for college and/or careers with the support of highly qualified educators in a learning environment that is resource rich, safe, and welcoming.
ITHSA Mission: Indian Trail is a place where all students achieve academic growth, career readiness, and social responsibility through rigorous academics, diverse learning experiences and positive relationships.
Table of Contents
School Communication
There are a variety of ways that you can stay up to date on what is happening around Indian Trail. It is important that students and parents are regularly accessing these resources to ensure they are aware of any upcoming opportunities or deadlines.
- School Website – The school website (kusd.edu/indiantrail/) is updated regularly with important announcements. The homepage contains critical information. Other various calendars can be accessed by clicking on the link at the top of the homepage.
- ITHSA Social Media – Please follow ITHSA on Facebook and Twitter to be provided with up to date information.
- Infinite Campus – Please ensure that your personal information is up to date in Infinite Campus as this is how you will receive email and phone messages from the school. Checking this email account regularly will help you stay up to date! If you need help with Infinite Campus please see this helpful Infinite Campus tutorial.
- ITTV Announcements – Monday – Thursday students will be shown our school announcements. A lot of information is contained within these announcements and it is important that your student listens to ensure they are not missing any important information. You can also review these announcements on the ITTV page of the Indian Trail website,
- Athletic Schedules – The ITHSA athletic competition schedules can be found at southeastwi.org.
Important Phone Numbers
- Attendance 359-8500
- Main Office 359-8700
- Main Office Fax 359-8756
- Nurse 359-8743
- Guidance Office 359-8303
- Guidance Office Fax 359-8641
- Athletic Director: Nick Myers 359-8644
- Office of Student Management (OSM) 359-8531
Indian Trail High School and Academy Administration
- Scott Kennow – Principal
262-359-8700 - Karen DuChene – Assistant Principal
262-359-8641 - Mercilie Toney – Assistant Principal
262-359-8709 - Matt St. Martin – Assistant Principal
Counselors: Assigned by to students by last name
- Art Preuss (A-Con)
359-8541 - Alicia Harvey (Co-Han)
359-8708 - Shelley Mitchell (Hao-Lir)
359-8508 - Elizabeth Eckstrom (LIS-Pa)
359-8537 - Michelle Schroeder (Pe-Sl)
359-8569 - Jessica Cayemberg (Sm-Z)
Deans: Assigned to students by last name
- Melissa Vidas (A-E)
359-8534 - Eric Corbett (F-K & ZJ)
359-8521 - Cathy Hagg (L-Q)
359-8674 - Matt Bradley (R-Y)
359-8794 - Jerelyn Weiss (Attendance)
Kenosha Unified District Personnel
- Kim Fisher – Regional Coordinator Secondary Schools
kfisher@kusd.edu - Bill Haithcock – Chief of School Leadership
Bell Schedule 2023-2024 – printable Google Doc version
Monday-Thursday (*ITTV)
- Period 1: 7:25 – 8:15 (50)
- Period 2: 8:20 – 9:10 (50)
- Hawk/Flight*: 9:15 – 9:51 (36)
- Period 3: 9:56 – 10:46 (50)
Select One Column according to your scheduled A, B, or C Lunch:
- A Lunch: 10:46 – 11:16 (30)
- Period 4/4B Class: 11:21 – 12:11 (50)
- Period 5/5C Class: 12:16 – 1:06 (50)
- Period 4A/4 Class: 10:51 – 11:41 (50)
- B Lunch: 11:41 – 12:11 (30)
- Period 5/5C Class: 12:16 – 1:06 (50)
- Period 4A/4 Class: 10:51 – 11:41 (50)
- Period 4B/5 Class: 11:46 – 12:36 (50)
- C Lunch: 12:36 – 1:06 (30)
- Period 6: 1:11 – 2:01 (50)
- Period 7: 2:06 – 2:56 (50)
Friday (Early Student Release–No Hawk/Flight)
- Period 1: 7:25 – 8:12 (47)
- Period 2: 8:17 – 9:09 (52*)
- Period 3: 9:14 – 10:01 (47)
Select One Column according to your scheduled A, B, or C Lunch:
- A Lunch (4A): 10:01-10:31 (30)
- Period 4/4B Class: 10:36 – 11:23 (47)
- Period 5/5C Class: 11:28 – 12:15 (47)
- Period 4A/4 Class: 10:06 – 10:53 (47)
- B Lunch (4B): 10:53 – 11:23 (30)
- Period 5/5C Class: 11:28 – 12:15 (47)
- Period 4A/4 Class: 10:06 – 10:53 (47)
- Period 4B/5 Class: 10:58 – 11:45 (47)
- C Lunch (5C): 11:45 – 12:15 (30)
- Period 6: 12:20 – 1:07 (47)
- Period 7: 1:12 – 1:59 (47)
The 2023-2024 Kenosha Unified High School Instructional calendar can be found here.
Floor Plan
Indian Trail Head Coaches
Athletic Director: Nick Myers- 359-8644
Sport | Coach | |
Baseball | TBD | |
Basketball (Boys) | Rob VanDyke | rvandyke@kusd.edu |
Basketball (Girls) | Charles Basaldua | cbasaldu@kusd.edu |
Cross Country | Brian Vanderhoef | bvanderh@kusd.edu |
Football | Paul Hoffman | phoffman@kusd.edu |
Golf (Boys) | Curtis Goettge | cgoettge@kusd.edu |
Golf (Girls) | Curtis Goettge | cgoettge@kusd.edu |
Soccer (Boys) | Jeff Laurent | jlaurent@kusd.edu |
Soccer (Girls) | Jeff Laurent | jlaurent@kusd.edu |
Softball | Matthew Bradley | mbradley@kusd.edu |
Swim (Boys) | Billy Gilbert | isugilbert@gmail.com |
Swim (Girls) | TBD | |
Tennis (Girls) | Laura Lammert | llammert@kusd.edu |
Tennis (Boys) | TBD | |
Track (Boys) | Brian Vanderhoef | bvanderh@kusd.edu |
Track (Girls) | Ashley Kuehl | akuehl@kusd.edu |
Volleyball (Boys) | Brian Sharkey | muvolleyball16@gmail.com |
Volleyball (Girls) | Ashley Kuehl | akuehl@kusd.edu |
Wrestling | Jose Torres | joeyatorres@gmail.com |
Girls Lacrosse | Cal Becker | cabecker@kusd.edu |
Please go to southeastwi.org to view the ITHSA athletic calendar.
Consistent with the District’s legal requirements, the District shall not discriminate against any student on the basis of a protected status or classification as identified by law, in its curricular, career and technical education, co-curricular, student services, recreational or other programs or activities, or in admission to or access to programs or activities offered by the District. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Admission to any school, class, program, or activity
- Standards and rules of behavior, including student harassment
- Disciplinary actions, including suspensions and expulsions
- Methods, practices and materials used for testing, evaluating and counseling students
- Facilities
- Opportunity for participation in athletic programs or activities; and School-sponsored food service programs.
For more specific details regarding these policies please see the links below for the specific school board policy.
- Policy 5110.1 – Student equal opportunity and non-discrimination in education
- Policy 5110.2 – Nondiscrimination guidelines related to students who are transgender and students nonconforming to gender role stereotypes
Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities 1710 (Policy 1710)
The Kenosha Unified School District (the “District”) does not discriminate on the basis of sex in any of its education programs or activities and it complies with Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 (“Title IX”) and its implementing regulations, concerning any individual in the District’s education programs and activities.
McKinney Vento – 5280 (Policy 5280)
The Kenosha Unified School District will implement the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act to ensure that homeless individuals and unaccompanied youth initially residing in the District are provided with equal access to the same educational programs provided to other students, have an opportunity to meet state and district academic achievement standards to which all students are held and are not segregated or discriminated against on the basis of their homeless status. This commitment to the educational rights of homeless children and youth applies to all services, programs and activities provided or made available to other students and youth who reside in the district.
School Fees 3280 (Policy 3280)
The District recognizes the need for student fees to fund certain school activities that are not financed through the District budget. The Superintendent of Schools shall have the authority to establish schedules of student fees, fines and charges. Established district procedures for accounting and transfer of funds shall be followed. All proceeds shall be deposited in the General Fund. The District recognizes that some students may not be able to pay these fees or charges. No student shall be denied the opportunity to participate in school programs or activities because of his/her family’s inability to pay necessary fees and charges. The principal shall have the authority to waive the District-wide annual student base fee.
Refer to the Fees website for specific fees charged.
Academic Information
Policy 6456 (6456 English/6456 Spanish)
Subject Area Credit Breakdown | Credits Required |
English | 4.0 |
Math | 3.0 |
Social Studies
3.0 |
3.0 |
Physical Education | 1.5 |
Health | 0.5 |
Consumer Education | 0.5 |
Elective Courses | 8.0 |
Credits required for graduation | 23.5 |
In addition to the 23.5 credits all students also must complete 10 hours of documented community service.
Guidance and Counseling
Counselor names are indicated on students’ schedules. Students wishing to see a counselor should stop by the Guidance office during a passing period or with a pass from a teacher. If the counselor is unavailable, students should email their assigned school counselor to schedule a meeting to be called out of class at a later time/date.
Dual Credit Opportunities
Under two different State of Wisconsin programs, high school students may apply to take college or technical college courses for both high school and college credit. Tuition and books for students enrolled in approved courses will be paid by Kenosha Unified School District.
To participate in this program, students must complete an application by the due date during the semester prior to enrollment. The student must meet the admission requirements set by the participating colleges. Courses must meet district-approved guidelines. Courses that cover material that is comparable to an offered high school course will not be approved. Interested students should explore Early College Credit and/or Start College now on the KUSD website, fill out the necessary paperwork and then meet with their school counselor to discuss their interest, course approval and guidelines, and the impact the desired course work may have on their high school educational program and future plans.
Two main points are that a high school student will be limited to a maximum of 18 post-secondary credits and cannot have concurrent enrollment in the Start College Now Program and Early College Credit Program. Courses allowed at the technical college are for students enrolled in grades 11-12. The university courses are for students in grades 9-12.
Grade Point Average and Laude System
GRADE POINT AVERAGE: The Kenosha Unified School District ranks students using two parallel methods. Both appear on the transcript and are used for college applications.
Course Weight in GPA Calculations
Grade | All Classes (unweighted) | AP Classes (weighted) | Honors Classes (weighted) | Traditional Classes (weighted) |
A+, A, A- | 4.0 | 5.0 | 4.5 | 4.0 |
B+, B, B- | 3.0 | 4.0 | 3.5 | 3.0 |
C+, C, C- | 2.0 | 3.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 |
D+, D, D- | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1.5 | 1.0 |
F | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
LAUDE SYSTEM: The Laude System is a tiered system that recognizes students for the rigor of their academic courses and success in the course. The calculation for the Laude system uses the weighted GPA calculation listed above to determine a student’s laude status. Indian Trail Academy students have different Laude GPA cutoffs given the rigor of the academy courses and the availability of course options afforded to Academy students. The Laude GPA cutoffs for General Studies and Academy students are listed below.
Laude Recognition | General Studies
Weighted GPA Range |
Weighted GPA Range |
Summa Cum Laude | 4.30-5.00 | 4.10-5.00 |
Magna Cum Laude | 4.00-4.29 | 3.80-4.09 |
Cum Laude | 3.70-3.99 | 3.50-3.79 |
Academic Recognition
Grade Hawk Flyers Program (9th grade)
At the conclusion of each semester students who meet the following criteria will be recognized in our Hawk Flier or Hawk High Flier program as qualifying students showing the attributes of a successful high school student.
Hawk Flyers
- No Ds of Fs on semester transcript and student has earned a cumulative unweighted GPA between 2.50-3.49 or higher at the end of the semester
- No Truancies on semester attendance report
- No suspensions during the semester
Students receive a silver star pin at the end of each semester meeting these requirements.
Hawk High Flyers
- Ds, or Fs on semester transcript and student has earned a cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.50 or higher at the end of the semester
- No Excessive excused absences (more than 3 days in a row or more than 10 days in a semester)
- No suspensions during the semester
Students receive a gold star pin at the end of each semester meeting these requirements .
In addition to the academic stars awarded at the conclusion of each semester, freshmen are also eligible to earn a Hawk Flyers patch if they have met the following criteria over the duration of their entire freshmen year.
HawkFlier Patch
- No Ds of Fs on end of year transcript and student has earned a cumulative unweighted GPA of 2.50 or higher at the end of the year
- No Truancies on end of year attendance report
- No suspensions during the school year
Academic Recognition Awards (9th -12th)
To enter into the Academic recognition program students need to obtain two semesters of a cumulative grade point average at or above the listed thresholds. These semesters do not need to be consecutive or do not need to be earned during the same academic year.
Honors Recognition
- Two semesters of an unweighted grade point average above 3.00
Students receive a JV academic letter upon meeting the criteria and will receive a silver bar for each additional semester meeting the above criteria.
High Honors Recognition
- Two semesters of an unweighted grade point average above 3.50
Students receive a Varsity academic letter upon meeting the criteria and will receive a gold bar for each additional semester meeting the above criteria.
Academic Interventions
Flight Time – On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday students will have a 30 minute opportunity to work with teachers to accomplish a variety of goals. Teachers can provide extra support to students who are struggling with a concept, students can meet with a teacher for an activity that extends their learning beyond the typical classroom curriculum, or students may have a chance for some independent work time. Teachers and students will both have the opportunity to select which one of these options will best fill an individual student’s time. This time is scheduled each week so the flexibility will give students increased ownership of their learning and more opportunities for support.
Hawk Time- Every Monday students will work to set up and check their Flight Time schedule for the remainder of the week so they know who they will be meeting with during the Flight Time periods later in the week. In addition to setting up their schedules, students will participate in Social Emotional Learning activities, Academic and Career Planning, check on grades and attendance, and ensure they are ready for the upcoming week.
Tutoring – In addition to the Flight Time periods during the day, students may schedule time with after school tutors to continue to get support in regards to their academic progress. If your student is interested in attending tutoring sessions please have them visit the main office for the schedule and times.
*If you think your student is in need of specialized education services beyond the interventions listed above and would like to start a special education evaluation please contact the Indian Trail High School and academy Program Support Teacher at 262-359-8798.
A transcript is a copy of a student’s academic record. It shows all of the courses a student has completed and the final grade earned for each course. Both grade point averages and class ranks or laude recognition will appear on student transcripts.
Transcripts may be requested at any time. Any transcript that needs to be sent to a college must be requested through Xello or the transcript request link on the ITHSA website. Final official transcripts are not available until mid July.
KUSD Student Code of Conduct
Any student may be temporarily removed from class under this Code. A “class” is any class, meeting, or activity which students attend and includes classes, resource room sessions, labs, library time, assemblies, study halls, field trips, and recess. Removal of a student from the classroom is a serious measure, and is not to be imposed in an arbitrary, casual, or inconsistent manner.
Listed below are the two types of removal that may be imposed by KUSD:
Endangering Behavior: A student may be removed from a class or other activity for conduct or behavior occurring in the classroom, which violates District policies. Since these behaviors and consequences are well defined in Board of Education policy, they are not specifically identified in the Code of Classroom Conduct. Removal procedures identified in the Code will be followed whenever students are removed from class.
Disruptive Behaviors: A student may be removed from the classroom if the student’s behavior has interfered with the teacher’s ability to effectively teach the class. Behavior which may be considered disruptive includes, but is not limited to:
- Use of profanity
- Inappropriate physical contact which hurts, distracts or annoys others, such as tapping, kicking, throwing things, hitting, biting, pushing, shoving, poking, pinching or grabbing
- Inappropriate verbal conduct which upsets, distracts or annoys others, such as name calling, teasing, “baiting,” or casting racial slurs
- Inappropriate verbal conduct that disrupts the educational environment including interrupting or disrespectful comments to the staff or other students
- Inciting other students to act inappropriately or to disobey the teacher or class rules
- Destroying the property of the school or of another student
- Loud, obnoxious or outrageous behavior
- Being disrespectful to students or staff
Bullying (Policy 5111)
“Bullying” is defined as deliberate or intentional behavior using words or actions, intended to cause fear, intimidation or harm. Bullying involves an imbalance of power – the person bullying has more social or physical power than the person being bullied. Bullying also most often involves repeated behaviors-repeated over time toward the same person or group of people. Bullying may be motivated by an actual or perceived distinguishing characteristic, including, but not limited to: age, sex, race, religion, national origin or undocumented/immigration status (including limited English proficiency), ancestry, creed, color, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, transgender status, gender expression, gender identity and gender nonconformity (see, Policy 5110.2), or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability and social, economic or family status. Bullying can manifest itself in conduct that is:
- Physical (e.g., hitting, punching, or kicking)
- Verbal or written conduct (e.g., threatening or intimidating language, teasing, or name calling)
- Indirect (e.g., spreading rumors, intimidation through gestures, or social exclusion)
- Cyber. Cyber bullying can occur through technology like email, chat rooms, instant messaging, websites, text messages, digital applications or social media. Cyber bullying can take place at school or outside of school if it impacts student learning while at school or under school supervision;
- Hate acts (e.g., a prejudice-motivated act which occurs when a perpetrator targets a victim because of their membership (or perceived membership) in a certain social group or race.)
All District staff members who observe or are informed of bullying must report it in writing to the building principal or assistant principal. All other persons who are aware of bullying in the District are encouraged to report the conduct to the building principal or assistant principal. Upon receipt of a bullying report, the building principal or assistant principal will investigate the allegations. All reports of bullying shall be taken seriously, properly investigated and documented. If an act of bullying implicates harassment in violation of Policy 4111 (Employee Anti-Harassment) or Policy 5110.1 (Student Equal Opportunity and Non Discrimination in Education), the building principal or assistant principal shall provide notice of the bullying complaint to the Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) so that the processes provided for in those Policies can be instituted. The District prohibits retaliation against individuals who report or participate in an investigation of bullying. Individuals engaging in prohibited retaliatory behavior are subject to disciplinary action. If it is determined that bullying or retaliatory conduct occurred, the school district administration shall take disciplinary action, including but not limited to: counseling, detention, suspension, expulsion and/or referral to law enforcement officials for possible legal action as appropriate. Student support staff will provide support services for all students involved in the incident as deemed necessary and appropriate. This policy shall be distributed annually to all students enrolled in the District, their parents and/or guardians and District staff members through the student information system or direct emails. The policy will also be distributed to organizations having cooperative agreements with the District and will be available to anyone upon request.
Student Bus Conduct (5432 English/5432 Spanish)
The vision of the Transportation Department is to provide safe, reliable, responsive and timely transportation for eligible students, based on state statutes and District policies.
Bus transportation to and from school is considered an extension of the school day. If there is misconduct that occurs on the way to or from school students are subject to disciplinary action in accordance with KUSD policy. KUSD also reserves the right to revoke or limit bussing privileges.
Searching Students
Schools are bound to the Fourth Amendment–related to search and seizure– but to a lesser degree than law enforcement. If a school official has “reasonable suspicion” that a student is in possession of contraband a search of their person, belongings, and vehicle can be conducted. “Reasonable suspicion” is a lesser standard than the “probable cause” threshold under which law enforcement conduct searches. It is the school practice to contact parents after any search has been conducted regardless of the outcome.
General Student Expectations
- Be in class on time. Loitering in the halls is not tolerated. Walk & Talk.
- Present Identification when requested by any staff member (5431 English/5431 Spanish)
- There is NO use of tobacco permitted in the building or on school property. This includes e-cigarettes. Violations are subject to a police citation and school discipline (5433 English/5433 Spanish).
- There is NO use of Alcohol and other Drugs this includes prescription pills not stored in the nurse’s office. Violations are subject to a police citation, school discipline and possibly arrest (5434 English/5434 Spanish).
- Students are not to be in possession of any weapon or facsimile. Students in possession of a weapon or facsimile will be referred to law enforcement and/or receive school discipline (5436 English/5436 Spanish).
- Threatening language is not tolerated, this includes electronic communication. Students who are found to make threatening comments will receive school discipline and may be referred to law enforcement (5437 English/5437 Spanish).
- Students that leave ITHSA without permission, and then come back onto school grounds, will be subject to a search of backpack and person. Students may only leave with permission or if they have release. Students are expected to enter/exit through the main doors. To protect the safety of the building, students should not allow staff/students or visitors in through side doors. Additionally, propping doors open is prohibited. Students endangering the safety of the building will receive behavioral consequences.
- Use appropriate language. Profanity is not tolerated (Policy 5430).
- Refrain from public displays of affection (Policy 5430).
- Follow classroom rules (Policy 5430).
- Follow policy for electronic devices. Cellular devices should be stored and put away during the day unless otherwise allowed by the instructor/administrator (6633 English/6633 Spanish).
- Leave the building by 3:15 p.m. unless under the direct supervision of a teacher or an adult advisor.
- Students are expected to abide by the KUSD dress code. All efforts will be made to have violators return to class when in compliance with the dress code. Habitual violators will receive progressive discipline (5431 English/5431 Spanish).
- Any student suspected to be under the influence or in possession of alcohol or other drugs will be searched. Any student suspected of being in possession of a weapon will be searched.
- All student medication needs to be stored in the nurse’s office. No medication should be kept in backpacks unless approved by the school nurse (5534 English/5534 Spanish)
- Making threats towards others is not a joking matter and individuals may face fines and/or imprisonment for their actions, whether intentional or not. (WI Statute 947.019)
Student Dress Code (5431 English/5431 Spanish)
All students are expected to dress in a manner that projects an appropriate image for the student, school and district while also feeling comfortable as they engage in the school environment. This policy shall be upheld by KUSD staff as outlined in the staff dress code guidelines. If there is a disagreement between students and/or parents/guardians and staff regarding a dress code infraction, the principal will make the final determination. Students wearing clothing that is in violation of the policy may be provided alternate clothing they can wear or they may contact their parent/guardian to bring them alternate clothing. If needed, the principal/designee may convene a conference with the student, parent/guardian and/or other staff to assist with compliance. Refusal to comply with and/or repeated violations of this policy may lead to further disciplinary action. Please review the full dress code policy here.
Progressive Discipline Process
The following steps below outline the typical steps that are used to handle student misbehavior, noting that steps may be skipped based on the intensity, severity, or frequency of the actions taken.
- Teacher directed classroom consequence – These consequences are assigned by a teacher in the moment of the misbehavior. These consequences may include but are not limited to the following:
- Private conversation in the hallway
- Classroom correction
- Removal of privileges
- Phone Call/Email home
- Behavioral referral to the office of Student Management – Once a teacher has addressed an unwanted classroom behavior and the student continues to exhibit similar challenges the teacher will write a referral to the Office of Student Management where a Dean will meet with the student to process the referral and will be assigned consequences. Or if a student violates the student code of conduct and is removed from class the Dean will address the behavior and assign consequences. Consequences may in include but are not limited to the following:
- Detention (includes lunch) AM & PM
- In School Suspension (5473 English/5473 Spanish).
- Out-of-School Suspension (5473 English/5473 Spanish)
- Restorative conference or other intervention assigned
- Student referral to the Administrative Review Committee (5430 English/5430 Spanish) – In the unfortunate event that a student has an infraction that could be deemed expellable by district policy the school will bring the case forward to a district committee of administrators where the committee will support the school in assigning a consequence. Consequences coming from the Administrative Review Committee may include but are not limited to the following:
- Referral to a District IEP team for evaluation of suspected disability
- Modification of classroom schedule
- Transfer to another school
- Referral for counseling by school personnel or outside agency
- Expulsion
- Student Expulsion Process (5474 English/5474 Spanish) – If the Administrative Review Committee determines that a student’s conduct warrants a formal expulsion from the school district an expulsion hearing will be held in accordance with school board policy 5474. During this hearing the school presents the case to an Independent Hearing Officer (IHO), parents are able to present any evidence, and both the parents and school personnel will be able to ask questions of each other. At the conclusion of the meeting the IHO will make a formal recommendation to the school board of how to proceed with the case. If the parents disagree with the decision the IHO makes in the expulsion hearing there are appeal rights which can be found in policy 5474.
Revoking Privileges
School Administration reserves the right to remove a student from any or all of the following privileges.
- Parking Permission
- Transportation services to and from school
- Athletic Events (attendance or participation)
- Music Events (attendance or performance)
- Leadership Roles among Clubs and Activities
- Involvement with School Programs (e.g. School Store, Yearbook, Newspaper, DECA, Link Crew)
- Field Trip participation
- School Wide Events (e.g. dances, assemblies, banquets)
- Recognition for Awards or Honors (e.g. Renaissance, athletic letters, elected positions, titles of honor such as Homecoming Court or Prom Court)
- Participation with Graduation Ceremonies
Computer and Cell Phone Expectations (6633 English/6633 Spanish)
KUSD provides computer resources to enhance and support learning and teaching. Each student, upon enrollment to KUSD , will be issued a computer. Students keep these devices during their time enrolled within the district from year to year. It is expected that students are bringing these devices to school each day with a full charge, , carry their device in the school provided laptop sleeve and have access to their school issued charger if the battery runs low. If internet access is a challenge at home the district will issue a mobile hotspot device to students in need. If you need to be issued one of these devices out please see the ITHSA Tech Department.
Students are responsible for their school issued devices. If there is a problem with a school device students need to contact the ITHSA Tech Department or call the district IT line at 262-359-7711. If the device is damaged or lost the student account will be charged accordingly.
Students are expected to exercise their privilege to use these resources in a manner consistent with the existing KUSD School Board Policy 6633 and all Federal, State and Local laws. Any activity that is unethical, illegal, disruptive, offensive or mischievous is inappropriate and will result in consequences. The student is ultimately responsible for his/her conduct on the system, and will be held accountable for their actions while using any facet of the computer system. See school board policy 6633 for more information.
Guidelines for acceptable technology use:
- All KUSD students will be issued a KUSD district device to be used in both in person and remote/virtual learning environments. It is the expectation that the student has a fully charged device for each day they attend school. Even though this device is assigned to the student, it is considered property of the Kenosha Unified School District and should remain free of any personal markings or graffiti (including stickers, markers, glitter)
- Students shall not use any technology in a manner that poses a threat to academic integrity, disrupts the learning environment or violates the privacy rights of others. Students shall not send, share, view or possess pictures, text messages, emails or other material depicting sexually explicit or offensive content in electronic communications of any other form using technology while on school grounds, at school sponsored events, or on school buses or vehicles provided by the district.
- Technology used to “bully” or post derogatory statements about district students or staff via text message, social media or other electronic platforms will result in disciplinary action.
- Students must abide by all applicable copyright and licensing laws when using technology within the district.
- Students shall maintain confidentiality of their usernames and passwords and shall not utilize usernames and passwords of others.
- All school related electronic publications are subject to approval and ongoing review by staff. All publications should reflect the mission and core values of the school and district.
- Students shall not breach or disable network security mechanisms or compromise network stability or security in any way. This includes access to KUSD district issued Hotspots and mobile devices. District issued Hotspots may only be used to provide wireless Internet access to the assigned KUSD mobile device. Connecting a Hotspot to a non-KUSD device is a violation of KUSD Policy. Students shall refrain from utilizing proxy gateways to bypass monitoring or filtering.
- Students are responsible for reporting any inappropriate media or resources they encounter, regardless of who owns the technology involved.
- Students shall not use any technology for any purpose that would violate law or Board policies.
- Students shall not use district technology resources for personal commercial activities not related to instruction. Personal purchase or sale of products or services is prohibited.
- Unless otherwise noted, all KUSD owned devices are to be returned in working order once the student is no longer enrolled or upon the request of the district
Cell Phones – While cell phones help to connect us they also can pose distracting challenges in the classroom. Due to these potential challenges, the district has set forth the following guidelines:
- Each user is responsible for his/her personal technology and should use it responsibly and appropriately.
- The district is not responsible for damaged, lost or stolen student-owned technology.
- The district is not responsible for the support or security of student-owned technology.
- Staff may grant permission to use student-owned technology in the classroom in accordance with communicated instructional guidelines and must adhere to the guidelines set forth in this policy/rule.
- Students that are granted permission to use their own device will not be able to connect to the KUSD wireless network, and would have to rely on their own cellular/wireless data plans.
- Student-owned technology must not interfere with the operation and integrity of the district’s internal wired and wireless network.
- Student-owned technology may be used before and after school, including while utilizing district transportation. High School students may use student owned technology during their designated lunch period.
- In emergency situations where the safety of students, staff, chaperones or bus drivers are in jeopardy, use of student-owned technology is permitted.
- Student-owned technology should be charged prior to school and run on battery power while at school.
- Students will refrain from use of peer-to-peer sharing for non-educational purposes
Lunch Hours
ITHSA is a Closed Campus. Students are not permitted to leave the school or engage in non-school related activities during the school day without the permission of the principal or designee and a parent/guardian. Students who leave the campus without permission and return back onto the school premises will be subjected to a search by staff and potentially may be subject to additional disciplinary consequences.
A parking tag will be required and can be purchased in the Main Office for $50.00 for the full school year.. Parking violations are subject to a police citation and towing of their automobile at their personal expense. Students who drive recklessly may be directed to the KPD and have their driving privileges revoked. Students may also lose driving privileges for additional behavior violations such as habitual truancy. All parents or visitors should park in the visitor parking lot near the flagpole in front of the building.
In order to receive a parking-pass you must fill out the student parking form.
- Complete the online parking form on the ITHSA website
- ORIGINAL Driver’s License (student)
- Make/Model/Color/Year of the vehicle
- License Plate Number
- $50.00 cash, check, or credit card (paid through school fees if using credit card)
- Cost of a parking permit will be $35 at second semester
Student Lockers
In an attempt to reduce theft, we ask all students to do the following:
- Be sure your locker is closed and locked before you walk away.
- Immediately report any difficulty with your locker to the counseling office.
- Do not give your locker combination to anyone – not even your best friend!
- Write your name in ink on the inside covers of all textbooks and identify personal property.
- When opening your locker, be sure that you do not allow others to see your combination.
- Lockers are school property and are subject to inspection at any time by the Principal/designee.
- No personal locks are permitted on school lockers. Students will be asked to remove their locks or have them cut off at their expense.
If you would like to be assigned a locker please visit the ITHSA website and complete the locker request form. Once a locker has been assigned you will be provided with the number and combination.
If personal items are lost or stolen during the school day the school is not responsible for the damage or loss. Each family should check with their insurance company to see if coverage is provided.
Students may decorate the inside of their locker with school appropriate items. Students can use tape, magnets, or other items that can be easily removed. Students can be charged with school vandalism for marking any school property with permanent markers or stickers. Students are responsible to keep a clean locker during the time they use the locker and clean out their locker at the end of the year. No items are to be put on the outside of lockers.
The Indian Trail staff is committed to providing a quality educational experience for all students. PBIS has been implemented to maintain a safe learning environment for the Indian Trail community. The staff works to teach common expectations to students so that all are aware of what is expected in the various places in our building.
The PBIS system has five components:
- Hawk Habits – clearly set expectations
- Be Safe
- Be On Time
- Be Respectful
- Be Responsible
It is our hope that we will work together to ensure that Indian Trail continues to be a positive learning community. The below chart outlines the daily expectations that we hold for students during various times of the day.
Indian Trail’s General Behavior expectations
Be Respectful | Be Responsible | Be Safe | |
Be On Time | Be where you are supposed to be; ready to learn
Think and act wisely- don’t let distractions influence you |
Before and After School | Remain in the Commons area seated in designated locations until dismissed.
Exit the building promptly at the end of the day. |
Before school, collect your items and prepare for the day. After school, exit the build safely and quickly. | Use good decision-making skills to avoid conflict.
Report any unauthorized individuals to the main office |
Hallway While on a Pass | Use school-appropriate language and inside voices. | Walk quickly along the right side of the hallway.
Arrive to class before the bell. Keep hall passes visible. |
Walk and talk.
Keep hands and feet to yourself. |
Bathroom | Give privacy to others. | Utilize trash cans, flush, and wash hands. Return to class quickly. | Enter and exit with caution. |
Commons | Be patient in lines.
Keep the area clean; utilize trash cans. Use inside voices. |
Remain seated during the lunch period, only moving around the lunchroom to use the bathroom | Walk.
Clean up spills. Wash hands. |
Library | Work quietly.
Follow posted directions and signs. Keep voices at an acceptable quiet volume. Refrain from eating food in the library space. |
and sign-out at designated locations.
Use computers for academic purposes only. |
Clean up the area and push in the chair before leaving. Remain in the library until the bell rings. |
Parking Lot | Be considerate to other drivers and pedestrians. | Follow posted traffic signs. | Walk on paved walkways.
Follow all traffic laws. |
Activities | Be positive and use appropriate language. | Represent ITHSA in a positive manner. | Listen and obey activity supervisors. |
Behavior Interventions
ITHSA holds respectful behaviors among all individuals’ paramount. For individuals that make decisions which go against our expectation for respectful behavior, a number of interventions are employed to assist students to learn from actions and improve behavior moving forward.
- School Counselor or Dean Discussions
- Social Services or Crisis Intervention
- Reassignment of School Schedule, Program or School Site
- Alcohol and other drug classes.
- W.A.I.T. (Washington Aggression Interruptive Training)
- Gang Prevention Program
- Community Impact Program Services
- Summer Employment Program
- Summer School
- Referral to law enforcement
- Referral to Community Liaison
- Referral to Social Emotional Interventionist
- Referral to Social Worker/Case Manager
- Restorative meetings
- Check in check out program
Call 359-8500 to report absences.
Frequently Asked Questions about Attendance
- What if my student arrives late due to traffic around ITHSA? ITHSA is a very large school and traffic around the building is very heavy from 7:15-7:25. Please plan in advance because being late to school for traffic reasons will not be excused. Also, please be aware of the train tracks that cross 60th street west of the school. Often there are trains crossing in the morning which causes students to arrive late, please plan accordingly for this as this is also not an excuse for arriving late to school.
- When my child is absent, what should I do? Call 359-8500 within 24 hours of the absence. If you must leave a message, please identify yourself by name, including the student’s name, grade, ID number, and reason for absence. Absences not cleared by a parent or guardian within five days will not be excused unless formal documentation is provided by a doctor, court, etc. ***Excessive excused absences (more than 3 days in a row or more than 10 days in a semester) must be verified by a physician, dentist, or other qualified professional.
- What if my child becomes ill at school? Students must go to the Nurse’s Office during passing time or with a pass from their classroom teacher. Staff will contact a parent and verify permission to go home. Students may be picked up in the main office.
- What if my child has an appointment during the day? Families are encouraged to schedule appointments on dates and times where the student’s education will be least impacted. The student should bring a note from a parent/guardian regarding the appointment and time to the Main Office before school begins on the day of the appointment. Students sign-out at the Main Office before leaving and sign back in upon return.
- What happens if my child is tardy to school and/or class? If a student comes late to school, they MUST sign in at the Main Office. If students are in the building and unable to make it to class on time when the passing bell rings, students will need to get a tardy pass from a security staff member before entering their classroom. Teachers will not permit late students into classes
School Visitors
Visitors who are non-KUSD employees are allowed for academic, social/emotional, behavior and therapy purposes. Parents/guardians dropping off their child(ren) after the school day has started should send students into the building by themselves. They also are discouraged from dropping off forgotten items, including lunches and musical instruments, unless absolutely necessary. Should this occur, parents/guardians must contact the school office to arrange a dropoff of items, such as medications.
All visitors who are permitted to enter the school shall report to the school attendance office and sign in to get a visitor’s pass. In order to obtain a visitor badge a state ID will be needed and it will be processed through our Raptor system to review the background of the individual entering the building. This system is in place not to prevent anyone from entering our buildings but to ensure the safety of the students and staff.
Students / Parents / Guardians / Teachers/ All Staff may check on the status of school by calling 359-SNOW (7669). That automated phone line can handle up to 24 calls simultaneously.
You may check the KUSD Website for inclement weather/school status information, or tune to Cable Channel 20, available to local Time Warner Cable subscribers.
These sites and local radio stations will be notified of any closings by 5:30 a.m.
While this handbook highlights frequently used school board policies it is the responsibility of the parent and student to be familiar with all of the school board policies that Kenosha Unified School District operates under. Where possible the relevant policy is linked in this handbook but the complete list of policies can be found on the KUSD website.
2023-24 Student Council Officers:
- President: Christian Cyr
- Vice President: Ignacio Perez
- Treasurer: Mia Franke
- Secretary: Brooke Paar
- Public Relations: Brenna Comerford & Ezarria Papouet Richardeau
- Historian – Olivia Wilmot
***For a complete list of Hawk Clubs and Activities please see the Indian Trail Website under “Activities.”
***Information contained in this packet including dates and times are subject to change. Please refer to the ITHSA website, newsletters, emails and phone calls for up to date information.***