Career Planning
1Students have many options to consider and pursue after high school. Each year counselors assist stududents thru various activities and offerings to help them put post hgh school plans in place.
ACP-Academic Career Plan
Each year counselors help students work on their ACP through various activities and opportunities; visit the 9-12 Bradford ACP Guidebook for specific grade level information, activities and assignments. The notebook is a framework that helps students know who they are – explore where they want to go after high school – plan & prepare to get there – make it happen.
Career Pathways
Sequence of high school courses, work-based learning, certification offered in High School that prepares a student in that career field/industry.
Post High School Options
Students may choose to follow different directions/career paths after high school. Some may choose to enter the military, an apprenticeship program, college, job corp. or the world of work.
Computer program that thru various assessments, interest inventories and lessons assists students in identifying their interests, skills, and abilities and helps them to explore matching careers, colleges & majors. Confused on how to access Xello? Click HERE. Want to know more about what Xello has to offer? Click HERE.