Practices & Procedures

Attendance | Student Expectations | Respectful Behaviors Commitment | Discipline | Dress Code Expectations | Field Trips | Counseling | Identification Cards | Library Media Center | Textbooks | Lockers | Backpacks | Lunch | Parking | Important Reminders


Good attendance is a habit necessary for success in life – try not to miss school unless you REALLY have to! Wisconsin law requires students to attend school regularly during all scheduled school hours, with the exceptions of certain religious holidays.

In conjunction with the citywide truancy ordinance, it is our commitment at Bradford High School to work diligently with parents and guardians to promote consistent and committed school attendance. Please remember that a student cannot be excused more than TEN TIMES per school year without written documentation from a physician.


EXCUSED ABSENCES – A student’s absence may be excused by the principal/designee for acceptable reasons such as personal illness, illness in the immediate family, or death of a family member or relative or other reasons of legitimate health or educational benefit to the student.

TRUANCY – “Truancy” means any absence of part or all of one or more days from school during which a school designee has not been notified of the legal cause of such absence by the parent/guardian of the absent student.

EARLY DISMISSAL – Students who, for good reason, wish to be excused from school for part of the morning or afternoon session are required to bring a request, written and signed by the parent/guardian, to the ATTENDANCE OFFICE.

PRE-ARRANGED ABSENCE – If a student is going to be absent all day or more than one day for reasons other than illness (vacation, college trip, etc.), a request should be made one week in advance. A parent written note specifying dates and reason for the absence must be submitted and approved by individual teachers and entered through the Attendance Office.

  1. When my child is absent, what should I do? Call 359-6221 any time within 24 hours of the absence. If you must leave a message, please identify yourself by name and then be sure to include the student’s name, grade, ID number, and reason for their missing school. Absences not cleared by a parent/guardian within five school days will not be excused. If at anytime a student comes late to school, he/she MUST sign in at the Attendance Office whether or not a call has been previously placed.
  2. What should my child do if he/she becomes ill at school? Students must go to the nurse either during passing time or with a pass from their classroom teacher. The nurse will contact a guardian, verify permission to go home, and send the student to the attendance window for proper sign-out. Students who are on release or student partnership are expected to follow the same procedure or the absence will not be excused.
  3. What does my child do if he/she has an appointment during the day? The student should bring a note from you regarding the appointment and time to the Attendance Office before school begins on the day of the appointment. The note will be stamped and used as verification to the teacher whose classroom your child is leaving at the appointed time. Your child should then go to the Attendance Office for proper sign-out before leaving the building. A timely return is expected with the student signing back in at the Attendance Office unless otherwise specified. NOTE: State law does not allow the school to excuse students for job interviews or any appointments that are not specific to that student.
  4. How does Bradford’s attendance system work? The classroom teacher takes attendance each block period, having the choice of either present, absent, or tardy for each student. Parent phone calls resulting in an excused absence or prearranged absences/field trips/school sponsored activities are entered in the Attendance Office computers. The next day, a list of absences is given to each teacher for their specific classes so that they can double check accuracy and make corrections if need be.For those students still not excused, a system of personal and automated phone calls are then made to the student’s residence as a follow-up and as notification of the truancy. A parent, guardian, or student then has a FIVE-DAY WINDOW to correct any mistake that may still exist in the attendance record.
  1. What happens if my child is tardy to school and/or class? Students who do not make it to class on time will report to a Tardy Registration Station. The Tardy Registration Station will be staffed for the first half hour of each block, where we will enter all student names and monitor the quantity /frequency of their tardiness. Repeat occurrences will lead to additional follow-up, including potential counseling, parent meetings, interventions, or disciplinary action through the County Truancy Ordinance. Faculty and staff who are on their prep period will help escort tardy students to this station and back to class after being registered.
  2. Is the attendance expectation the same for athletic participation? Athletes must be in school all day beginning at 7:30am for four full blocks in order to practice or compete. The only exception is a verified medical/dental/court/etc. appointment. Unless the appointment is related to an injury from the previous evening’s practice or event, the student must get the prearranged absence form and follow school policy for signing in and out of school. Any questions, call Bradford’s Athletic Director at 359-6189.
  3. What if my child cannot medically participate in physical education class? Because Phy. Ed. is a requirement for graduating; it is imperative that every student changes (required) into appropriate attire that is NOT their clothing worn to school. In the event a student is unable to participate for any amount of time due to medical reasons (asthma, sprains, stitches, etc.), a doctor’s excuse MUST be presented to the teacher, to the school nurse, and finally forwarded to his/her school counselor. Extended periods of time away from the Physical Education class will be handled on an individual basis.


We expect Bradford High School students to:

  • attend classes regularly, complete assignments, and behave appropriately.
  • be respectful of the rights of others.
  • be in class on time. Loitering in the halls is not tolerated.
  • carry their ID’s at all times.
  • obey all state and local laws. Possession and/or use of weapons, explosive or incendiary devices, pepper spray, gang activities, possession or sale of illegal substances, assault or harassment, theft, battery, setting off fire alarms falsely and all other violations of the law is cause for arrest by the Kenosha Police Department.
  • not smoke in the building or on school property.
  • leave jackets, hats and gloves in their lockers. These items may not be worn in school. No chains are permitted.
  • keep the building neat and quiet. No food should be carried into academic areas without prearranged permission.
  • use appropriate language. Profanity is not tolerated.
  • refrain from public displays of affection.
  • follow classroom rules.
  • follow bus regulations, if a bus rider.
  • follow attendance procedures for illness, prearranged absences and signing out of the building.
  • refrain from bringing to school electronic and laser light devices. Beepers and cellular picture phones are not allowed in school by Wisconsin State Law.
  • leave the building by 3:10 p.m. unless under the direct supervision of a teacher or an adult advisor.


Bradford High School holds respectful behaviors among all individuals paramount. For individuals that make decisions which go against our expectation for respectful behavior, a number of pursuits are employed to create a teachable moment…


  • Guidance Counselor or Dean Discussions
  • Referral to Social Worker or School Psychologist
  • Enrollment in the Student Assistance Program and Counselor
  • Referral to Social Services or Crisis Intervention
  • Peer Mediation
  • Reassignment of School Schedule, Program or School Site

PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINE TO CORRECT ONTO A PATH OF STUDENT LEADERSHIPWhile these steps are progressive, some behaviors may warrant steps to be skipped/escalated based upon school or district policy or procedures.

    1. Detention
    2. In School Suspension (part of class, all of class, whole day)
    3. Out of School Suspension (1 to 10 days)
    4. Administrative Review for Expulsion Consideration
    5. Administrative Hearing for Expulsion
    6. School Board Approval for Expulsion


School Administration reserves the right to remove a student from any or all of the following privileges to preserve the integrity of our School Pride…

  • Parking Permission
  • Athletic Events (attendance or participation)
  • Music Events (attendance or performance)
  • Leadership Roles among Clubs and Activities
  • Involvement with School Programs (i.e. School Store, Yearbook, Newspaper)
  • Field Trip participation
  • School Wide Events (i.e. dances, assemblies, banquets)
  • Recognition for Awards or Honors (i.e. Renaissance, athletic letters, elected positions, titles of honor like Homecoming Court or Prom Court)
  • Participation with Graduation Ceremonies

At all times, we intend to behave as a Bradford Community with dignity and respect. Because we care for each other as a team, we assist those that may slip from expected respectful behaviors. The goal is to provide opportunities to learn from mistakes and make meaning from the renewed pursuit of respectful behaviors.



The students at Bradford High School demonstrate respectful behaviors in how we present ourselves. Therefore, we establish a list of items that are simply not reflective of self-respect…

  • No wearing of headgear, gloves, chains, spikes, halter tops, fish net, spaghetti strap or tank tops without sides, see-through blouses, shirts that do not completely cover the midsection.
  • No wearing of attire or jewelry with gang related symbols, sexual references, alcohol/illegal drug references, bigot epithets, harassment or hate messages offensive to race, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation.
  • No short shorts, short skirts, or other inappropriate length clothing that leads to disruption in our learning environment.
  • No wearing of coats or jackets that can be defined as outerwear for the season.
  • No sunglasses, headphones or excessively torn clothing.
  • At no time should undergarments be visible.
  • Pants are to be worn at appropriate waste line
  • No yoga or spandex pants unless they are covered at mid- thigh length

Disciplinary consequences for student violators are paramount. Consequences are progressive and will include:

  1. Confrontation by ANY staff member providing an opportunity to correct the problem or wear something else as a substitute immediately.
  2. Sending the student to the Office of Student Leadership for disciplinary Dress Code referral and an opportunity to correct the problem before returning to class.
  3. Contacting parents for correction of the problem if it hasn’t yet been corrected.
  4. Assigning detention.
  5. Assigning out-of-school suspension.

We expect all students to serve as role models to themselves and at this school. If you cannot serve as a role model, we will help you. If you don’t believe us, you will be sent home.


Students participating in a school-sponsored field trips must complete a Parent Permission Form prior to the field trip. This form must be signed by your parent or guardian. Field trips are not considered absences. You should not be marked absent in any class if you are on a field trip. Check with your teachers upon return to see that you were not marked absent. Homework from the classes that you missed must be made up.


Guidance Curriculum – structured developmental experiences presented systematically through classroom and group activities.

Individual Planning – activities that help all students plan, monitor, and manage their own learning as well as their personal and career development.

Responsive Services – activities to meet the immediate needs and concerns of students whether these needs or concerns require counseling, consultation, referral or information.

System Support – management activities that establish, maintain and enhance the total guidance program.

Students who wish to confer with their counselor should sign up in the Counseling Center.


Students are required to carry their Bradford ID at all times. This card is used to identify you as a Bradford student at school and at school events. The ID is needed to check out books in the library, check into school upon arriving late and to purchase lunch. When you sign in, the bar code is scanned into the computer. Students who lose or deface the ID will be required to purchase a replacement.


The Library Media Center is available for student use approximately one-half hour before and after school, during lunch hours, and study halls. To use the media center, you must have a pass noting your specific assignment from a classroom teacher. You need your Bradford ID to check out materials. The Media Center has Windows and Macintosh computers available for student use. Follow the library media and technology policies posted in the Library Media Center.


Students are responsible for all textbooks checked out to them. Any damage or loss will be charged to the student. Students are to turn in books to their teachers at the end of the term. Books left in lockers at the end of the year or turned in late may be assessed a late fee. This also applies to library books.


Some students report books missing from lockers which are presumed stolen. The staff investigates each case and records all items missing in hopes that they can be found and returned. In an attempt to reduce theft, we ask all students to do the following:

  1. Be sure your locker is closed and locked before you walk away.
  2. Immediately report any difficulty with your locker to the Office of Student Leadership.
  3. Do not give your locker combination to anyone – not even your best friend!
  4. Write your name in ink on the inside cover of all textbooks and identify personal property.
  5. When opening your locker, be sure that you do not allow others to see your combination.
  6. Lockers are school property and subject to inspection at any time by the Principal/designee.
  7. No personal locks are permitted on school lockers.

If personal items are lost or stolen, there is no school insurance to cover the loss. Each family should check with their insurance company to see if coverage is provided. Locker and backpack inspections may occur at any time.

Students may decorate the inside of their locker with school appropriate items. These items can be taped or magnetic and easily removable. Students can be charged with school vandalism for marking any school property with permanent marker or stickers. Students are responsible to keep a clean locker during the time they use the locker and clean out their locker at the end of the year. No items are to be put on the outside of lockers.


Students are permitted to carry their school materials and personal items in backpacks. However, backpacks are subject to inspection by the building administration or designee when reasonable suspicion exists of possession of stolen or illegal items.


Bradford High School has a “Closed Campus.” Students are not permitted to leave the school or engage in non-school related activities during the school day without the permission of the principal or designee and a parent/guardian. Students are permitted to leave the school campus for approved education activities and programs.


A computerized purchasing system is used. Students enter their personal ID number when purchasing their lunch. Students can elect to deposit money in advance and withdraw lunch purchases from their account.


General student parking is available in the large lots to the west and north of Bradford High School. A parking sticker will be required and can be purchased in the Student Leadership Office. Student violators are subject to a police citation and towing of their automobiles at their personal expense.

Bradford High School and the Kenosha Unified School District assumes no liability for vehicles parked in the school parking lots.

Students parked in the Tech Ed. area must have permission from the instructor to park there at any time.



The timeline for filing a school transfer request is January 1 through 21 of any given year. The form may be approved or disapproved based on racial balance and or space.


Refunds for a change in a class schedule will be issued only during the first four weeks of the class.


Adult students or parents/guardians of minor students shall be provided a copy of the student’s records upon request, including the student’s transcript, at no cost consistent with legal requirements. Transcripts requested by adult students or parents/guardians of minor students to be provided to other persons, agencies or institutions shall be provided at cost.


The Main Office will make change for $1 only – please do not bring large bills to school.


Office phones may be used only in the case of an emergency.