Special eSchool Program Medical Concerns Program
Special eSchool Program for those with Medical Concerns
The Medically Necessary Virtual Instruction Program (MEDVI) provides instruction for KUSD students who are unable to attend school for at least one marking period (or more than 14 consecutive school days) in a face-to-face school environment due to a medically documented physical injury, medical condition, or severe emotional problem. The program is designed to provide support for core academic courses on a short-term basis. MEDVI is only offered in middle and secondary grades, and enrollment is always subject to the availability of courses. Students who are applying for this program must complete the Release of Information, Physician Verification, and Communication Agreement Forms and submit to Kim Gorman, the eSchool Program Counselor. She can be reached at kgorman@kusd.edu and 262-359-7764.
*If your child is new to the Kenosha eSchool Program and has not taken an on-line course with us, a parent/guardian account must be created in order for the student to be enrolled in our required orientation course. All new students must have an account created and complete orientation in order to be enrolled in eSchool courses. Please create the account at https://wen.geniussis.com/PublicWelcome.aspx?id=30. Once the account has been created and the MEDVI forms have been submitted, your child will be notified via e-mail that they have been enrolled in the orientation course. If you have questions regarding orientation, you may contact Steve Moreland at smorelan@kusd.edu.
What is Medically Necessary Virtual Instruction (MEDVI)
The forms below can be filled out online from any device Please see the note below the forms pertaining to MEDVI Physician Verification Form.
- MEDVI Communication Agreement Form
- MEDVI Program Information and Agreement Form
- MEDVI Release of Information Form
- MEDVI Physician Verification Form
* The Physician Verification Form will be partially filled out online once submitted users will need to go to their email to open the agreement, download and print the agreement then have Physician or Licensed Therapist complete the bottom portion of the document. The completed form can then be faxed to 262-359-2169 or emailed to Kim Gorman at kgorman@kusd.edu