Student Success Guide

Getting Started

  • Complete Orientation course prior to start of regular course(s) for all first time students.
  • You should receive a welcome email and phone call from each of your eSchool Program teachers once your course starts. Be sure to sign your name and include a subject line in all of your emails
  • You will log into your course(s) at bookmark it on your computer for easy access. or use the login App in Classlink
  • Once logged into your Genius eSchool Program account, launch your course to access in Buzz (learning management system) to begin working. Refer to the First Day Guide for more help.
  • Contact your eSchool Program teacher with any issues logging into your course.
  • Obtain a notebook for your course or determine an alternative way of taking notes that will best work for you.

Working in Your Course

  • Check your email daily for messages from your eSchool Program teacher(s).
  • Set a daily and weekly schedule for working in your online courses based on the due dates assigned to each assignment in your Grades.
  • Read through all lesson pages and complete all practice activities, taking advantage of all interactive (audio, video, practice) content. Your teachers are able to monitor your time spent in each lesson.
  • Go through your course in order unless otherwise instructed, completing all assignments in a module before taking a test.
  • Submit all work in Buzz in your online course unless otherwise instructed by your teacher.
  • Check your Grades in Buzz daily to review feedback from your teacher on assignments and monitor your progress.
  • Ask for help. Do not let a little problem turn into a big problem. Your eSchool teachers are available by email, phone, and Zoom.
  • For more help navigating your course, refer to the eSchool Program Navigation videos.

Other Tips and Expectations

  • Communicate with your teacher and attend Zoom office hours when help is needed.
  • Read course announcements daily.
  • Follow your automatic due dates, working on your course at a steady pace.
  • If submitting a Google document in your course, make sure to share the assignment with your teacher before submitting it. Share Google document to your teachers email address.
  • Follow the Academic Integrity Policy along with all other eSchool Program Policies.
  • If you fall behind pace, do not be afraid to contact your teacher to work out a plan to get back on track.