Middle School Courses

2024-25 Full-Time Kenosha eSchool Program Student Informational Packet

Grades K-12

Middle School Course Offerings

2024-25 Full Courses:  

  • All Part-Time eSchool Middle School courses are full for the remainder of the 2024-25 School Year.

The Kenosha eSchool Program offers courses for grades 6-8. Middle School course options are listed below, and similar to the high school courses, they are subject to demand and available enrollment opportunities.

*** Available as an Honors option



Physical Education 6 Science 6
Physical Education 7 Science 7
Physical Education 8 Science 8



Social Studies 6 Art 6–Available 2nd Semester
Social Studies 7 Art 7–Available 2nd Semester
Social Studies 8 Art 8–Available 2nd Semester


Career Explorations
Language Arts 6 MS Civics
***Language Arts 7 MS Computer Literacy
***Language Arts 8 MS Critical Thinking & Problem Solving


Photography Intro
Math 6 Spanish (Beginning)
***Math 7 Spanish (Intermediate)
***Math 8

Middle School Elective Courses with Descriptions


Career Explorations How do you pick a career path when you’re not sure what’s even out there? This course allows you to begin exploring options in fields such as teaching, business, government, hospitality, health science, IT, and more! You’ll align your interests, wants, and needs to career possibilities, including the required education for each. Let’s find a pathway that works for you.
MS Civics Learning about civics gives students the skills and knowledge necessary to be active citizens who have a positive impact on their communities. In this course, students discover the rights and responsibilities of citizenship in the United States. They learn about the structure of the government and how it works at the local, state, and federal levels. This course examines elections, the lawmaking process, and how citizens can impact public policy. Students also discover ways the United States interacts with countries around the world. Geography and economics support the learning of civics in this course. Engaging in this study prepares students to be informed citizens who are ready to participate in the American democracy!
MS Computer Literacy In this course you will learn how to use productivity and collaboration tools, such as G Suite by Google Cloud to create word processing documents, spreadsheets, surveys and forms such as personal budgets and invitations.
MS Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Gain strategies to find important information quickly, transfer it to long-term memory, and perform better on assignments and tests. You will learn to become a more efficient learner, find balance, and prioritize goals. Recommended for 6th, 7th, or 8th grade.
MS Photography In this course, students learn and apply fundamental skills to use a camera and take photographs of animals, people, and landscapes. Students gain an understanding of how photography can be a means of documentation or high art. Students examine photographic careers and explore self-reflection to progress their creative growth as they develop a photographic portfolio. This course helps students select subjects, take a photograph, and print and display memories.
Spanish (Beginning) Immerse yourself in the beauty of the Spanish language and the richness of its diverse cultures. In the Spanish I course, you will learn basic grammar and vocabulary skills to help build your fluency and language proficiency. You will explore the culture of Spanish-speaking countries through engaging interactive games, videos, and audio recordings and apply what you learn through written practice, listening, and speaking exercises.
Spanish (Intermediate) Immerse yourself in the beauty of the Spanish language and the richness of the diverse cultures of the people who speak it. In the MJ Spanish Intermediate course, you continue learning grammar and vocabulary skills to help build basic fluency and language proficiency. You explore more of the culture of Spanish-speaking countries through engaging interactive games, videos, and audio recordings and apply what you learn through written practice, listening, and speaking exercises.
Art 6th Grade
Only Available 2nd Semester
Art Explorations is a semester course that is designed to give students a broad overview of different categories of art. The semester kicks off focusing on elements of dance, acting, and musical performance followed by fine arts, architecture, and multimedia. In each of these categories, students will learn about the history of each art, famous people in each of the arts, how technology has impacted that art form, as well as having a career in each of these categories.
Art 7th Grade
Only Available 2nd Semester
In Drawing, students will experiment with several different art materials and tools to see what each tool can do best. Students will explore ordinary things around them to become more observant of the structures and meanings of things which can be seen in your their home and community. Your work will be your own study of the forms, textures, movements, and patterns of the things that you see every day. Each project and each lesson is based on the one before it; so always do the lessons in the order they are given. Be sure to follow the directions exactly regarding which materials, sizes, and subject matter to use for each project. Each lesson will be a study of a new way of drawing. The examples given will show only the method and materials to be used, never the same subject or size as the project assigned. The examples are never to be copied. An example will only show one way of using the technique described.
Art 8th Grade
Only Available 2nd Semester
Digital art and design involves everything from advertising to animation to photography and more. In this course, you?ll learn about the evolution of art; the basic principles of art and design; the role of art in politics and society; and how to actually create digital art and make it come alive.

* Quick Reference to MS Electives with Course Descriptions PDF

Middle School Blended Learning Enrichment Program Page