Yearbook Info + Senior Photos


IF you plan to have a different photographer take your senior picture, please submit by February 1, 2025. If you do not submit a senior photo by that deadline, the photo taken by VIP for student IDs will be used in the yearbook. 

Make sure your photo:

Is a JPEG under 10MB

Is a head and shoulder shot only with face clearly seen with school-appropriate background (no selfies please)

Follows KUSD dress code standards, no props/hats, no inappropriate gestures

Please click on this link to submit your photo.


Buy your 2024/2025 yearbook or purchase a GRAD AD online at

2024/2025 yearbooks will be delivered in August and distributed on picture day before school begins. 2023/2024 yearbooks are on sale and available for pickup at the attendance office. Thank you, and don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Mr. Wisniewski
And the Yearbook class