The ACT is used for college entry throughout the county. Traditionally, the test was optional for students going to college. Today, it is required by the Department of Education that all Juniors take the ACT to measure achievement. For that reason, all juniors at Tremper High School will take this test together in late February/ early March.
School-Wide Testing
All juniors will take the ACT test at Tremper in late February/early March. This test is used as a state-wide measurement but can also be used for students for college admission. More information will be released as Tremper begins to prepare to administer the test.
The school-wide testing happens once a year and has no cost to the student.
National Testing Dates
Most students going to college opt to take the exam multiple times to ensure they have a score that reflects their learning. If a student would like to take an additional test, they must register using ACT’s website.
Student’s must pay to test when registering for the national test dates. Fee Waivers are available for students participating in the federal Free and Reduced Lunch program. Please see your School Counselor to check for Fee Waiver qualification.
Please note, registration for the National Test Dates is done through the ACT website only. Tremper staff will not have access to a student’s created user ID and login information.
Test Preparation
The best way to prepare for the exam is by taking a rigorous course schedule that challenges students learning. As the test approaches, it is suggested that student’s begin some sort of test preparation.
Student’s have access to an online program that can be used at home or at school called Methodize. This program is accessed through their Xello portfolio. It includes a 20 week prep schedule, demos, evaluation quizzes and two, full-length test. It is suggested that students use a timer when doing any ACT prep activities as the pacing of the exam is very rigorous.
On occasion, Student Services has hard-copy sample tests. These can be picked up on a first come, first serve basis.