Clubs and Activities
Tremper has always taken pride in all the amazing Clubs and Activities our staff offer and organize. Participation in Clubs and Activities helps students to have a sense of belonging and pride, and a chance to show their strengths, interests and talents. The slideshow features some informational slides advisors/coaches have but together about their group. Below the slide show is a list of all Club/Activities at Tremper and some have additional information indicated by the blue hyperlink that will direct you to their own website/flier.
- African American Female Initiative (AAFI)– Mrs. Thompson
- African American Male Initiative (AAMI)– Mr. Hopkins
- Band of the Black Watch – Mr. Mueller (Bradford)
- Battle of the Books – Ms. Passarelli
- Bowling– Ms. Lewis
- Campus Life United – Mr. Beem
- Chamber Orchestra – Ms. Breitenbach
- Cheerleading- Brian Martinez
- Class of 2025– Mrs. Dawson and Mrs. Blise
- Class of 2026– Mr. Corcoran
- Class of 2027- Ms. DeBartolo, Mr. Divito
- Class of 2028- Mr. Steinborn and Mrs. Padjen
- Construction Club– Mr. Mueller
- DECA– Ms. Nielson-Newberry
- Entomology– Mr. Maxson
- FBLA – Mr. Steinborn
- FCCLA – Ms. Blise
- Games– Mr. Hughes
- GLOW (Girls Leading Our World)- Ms. Passarelli, Mrs. Rivera
- HOSA – Ms. Cash
- International Thespian Society – Mr. Cicerale
- Jazz Bands – Ms. Ripley
- Key Club- Mrs. Smith
- Knitting– Ms. Warren
- Latinos Unidos – Mr. Cruz
- Madrigal Singers – Ms. Schrobilgen
- National Honor Society – Mrs. Chase, Mrs. Tocci, Ms. Miloslavic, Mrs. Maccanelli
- PBIS- Mr. Johnson
- Powder Puff Football – Mr. Ekstrom
- Renaissance – Ms. Richter
- SAGE- Mr. Kauffman
- Ski/Snowboard– Mr. M. Kellner
- Skills USA– Mrs. Smith
- Spirit Squad – Ms. Richter & Mr. Matera
- Spin The World– Ms. Taylor
- Student Government – Ms. Richter, Ms. Lewis, Ms. Dummer, Mr. Schoff
- Freshmen Mentor Team – Ms. Foster, Mr. Cicerale
- Tech Club- Mrs. Smith
- Theatre Arts Program– Mr. Cicerale
- Travel Club – Ms. Zajicek-Bagenski, Ms. Taylor
- Trojanette Dance Team – Isabelle Rummel