Teacher Weekly Classroom Agenda

This page contains the most current information of each Tremper teachers weekly student agenda.  Based on the daily flow of the class and the students daily progress, teachers may be making live updates.  Be aware agendas are always subject to change, but are a great source of information to help us work together to assist in our students learning.

Click on your teacher and what course they teach to view each classes agenda.

Name Department Course  Course  Course  Course 
Mr. Andersen Physical Education PE Foundations Personal Fitness Health
Mr. Baker Physical Education Lifetime Fitness Active Lifestyles Health
Mr. Beem Social Studies Economics US History/Honors US History 
Ms. Betker Business Personal Finance Leadership
Mr. Bieri ELL ELD 1
Mrs. Blise Family & Consumer Ed Clothing, Textile & Apparel Intro to Medical Terminology Life Skills
Mrs.Bosovich Math AP Calculus AB Quantitative Reasoning Precalculus
Mrs.Bradley Science Ecology APES Honors Anatomy and Physiology
Ms.Breitenbach Orchestra Concert Orchestra Symphony Orchestra
Ms. Brown Social Studies World History Government
Mrs. Cash Family Consumer Science Culinary Basics Interior Design
Mrs. Chase Spanish Spanish 1 Spanish for Spanish Speakers
Mrs. Church Art Fundamentals 3-D Foundations

Advanced 3-D Design

Advanced Photo and Media

AP 2-D

Photo and Media
Mr. Cicerale Theatre/English Scenic Design Acting Survey Literature/Composition Honors
Mr. Corcoran Math Algebra 2/Trig Geometry Algebra 2 Modeling & Stats
Mr. Cushman Technology Education Small Engines Consumer Auto Collision


Automotive 1
Ms. Dawson Science Conceptual Physics Astronomy AP Physics 1 Earth Science
Ms. Depp World History P 6 World History P7    
Mrs. Drews Family Consumer Science Child Development 1 Child Development 2 Career Foods Culinary Skills
Ms. Dummer Physical Education Health PE Foundations
Mr. Ekstrom Math Algebra 2 Modeling and Statistics Algebra 2 /Trig Honors Geometry
Ms. Foster English American Literature Honors American Literature
Mrs. Gapinski Art Fundamentals of Art and Design Advanced Foundations

Digital Art Exploration

Foundations of Art Advanced Design

AP Draw

Mrs. Hodges ELL ELD 2
Mrs.  Johnson French French 3/ AP French French 2 Honors French 1
Mr. Kalbfell English World Lit
Mr. Kauffman Science Biology Ecology
Mrs. Lee English American Lit English Fundamentals Reading Fundamentals
Mrs. Lewis Social Studies Sociology US History
Mrs. Maccanelli Math Algebra 2 Algebra 1
Mr. Marschel Math Algebra 1 Math Fundamentals
Mr. Maxson Science Biology
Mr. McKim Social Studies World History Ethnic Studies AP Human Geography
Ms. Mitchell Special Education Weekly Agenda
Mr. Mommaerts English Survey Lit
Mr. Mueller Tech Education Construction 2 Construction 1 Manufacturing 1
Ms. Neal Special Education Life Skills Science 1
Mrs. Nickel Science Biology Human Biology Honors Chem
Mrs. Nielson-Newberry Business Marketing Retail Merch. and Management
Mr. Orth Social Studies AP World History World History
Mrs. Peregrini Spanish Spanish 2 Honors Spanish 3 Honors AP Spanish Language & Culture
Mr. Prozanski Social Studies Sociology Honors US Government AP US Government
Ms. Richter English Perspectives
Mrs. Ripley Band Concert Band Wind Ensemble Symphonic Band

Symphonic Winds

AP Music Theory
Mrs. Rosko Family Consumer Science Culinary Basics Culinary Skills/Foods 2 Global Cuisine
Mrs. Schiavi Special Education Survey of Literature World Literature
Mr. Schoff Math Geometry AP Precalculus Algebra 1
Mrs. Schrobilgen Choir Chorale Cantare Concert Choir Tenors and Basses

Concert Choir Sopranos and Altos

Treble Choir
Mr. Schultz Science Matter and Energy Honors Chemistry Chemistry
Mrs. Shramek English World Literature Honors World Literature
Ms. Sinnen Credit Recovery Weekly Agenda
Mrs. Smith Technology Education Introduction to Engineering Design Engineering Essentials

Intro To Tech Ed

Construction Planning

Civil Engineering & Architecture

Principles of Engineering

Computer Integrated Manufacturing

Manufacturing 2

Mr. Steinborn Business Marketing Introduction To Business Starting A Business
Ms. Steinbrink English Journalism 1 Journalism 2 Honors AP Lang Perspectives
Ms. Stone Science Chemistry Ecology
Mr. Sykora Math Algebra 1 Geometry
Ms. Taylor Science  Biology and Honors Biology AP Biology
Mr. Thomas Social Studies US History AP US History
Mrs. Tocci English World Lit and Comp Survey Lit and Comp World Lit & Comp Honors
Ms. Watring Math Modeling and Statistics 
Mr. Weiser Science Matter and Energy Chemistry Employability Skills &Vocational Skills
Mr. White English World Literature American Literature & Composition
Mr. Wisniewski English Yearbook Honors Honors Perspectives in Lit/Comp Perspectives in Lit/Comp AP Literature/Comp
Mrs. Zajicek Social Studies AP Psych Psychology
Mr. Zalokar Math Alg.2/Trig Hnrs AP Stats
Mrs. Ziccarelli Spanish Spanish 2 Honors Spanish 3 Honors Spanish 1