Graduation Requirements
23.5 credits
- 4 cr. English (grades 9/10/11/12)
- 3 cr. Math
- 3 cr. Science
- 3 cr. Social Studies (1cr-US History, 1cr-World History, ½ cr–Government or 1 cr AP Government, ½ cr– Psychology OR ½ cr– Sociology Or 1cr – AP Psychology)
- .5 cr. Consumer Ed. (Econ/Marketing/Personal Finance) * Students in the class of 2028 and beyond will have to take Personal Finance to satisfy the Consumer Education requirement
- .5 cr. Health
- 1.5 cr. PE (physical ed foundations must be 1 of 3)
- 8 cr. Electives (anything you choose)
- 10 Hours of Community Service
- 65% or higher on Civics Exam
- 6 cr. per year to be a full time student as 9th and 10th grade
- 5 cr. per year to be a full time student as 11th and 12th grade
Honors with Distinction Diploma: Consists of taking and successfully passing 4 AP credits
Service with Distinction: Consists of completing 100 of community service
KUSD School Board Policy on graduation can be found here