
Library Hours 7:15am – 3:15pm
Phone: 262.359.2239

Watch How Everyone Belongs @ The Tremper Library

Quick Links

Destiny Catalog–Books, DVDs, etc.

Log in through Classlink to access the Destiny Search Catalog.  This will bring you access to books, DVDs, ebook, audiobooks, magazines, the Tremper library as well as throughout KUSD libraries.

Online Resources for Research, News, & Media

Access high school online databases through Classlink in the “Library Resources” folder.

Meet the LMC Staff

Ms. Passarelli, Library Media Teacher (LMT)
Renaissance Advisor
Battle of the Books Advisor

Mr. Wirch, Instructional Technology Teacher (ITT)
Media Productions

Mrs. Rivera, Library Secretary

Mr. Hughes, Technology Support Technician

Mr. Pabst, Technology Support Technician

Library Info & FAQ

Library Hours

Monday-Friday 7:15-3:15

Library FAQs

How am I able to come to the library?
Students must have an eHallpass to come to the library (even if you are on your lunch or release) and must check in with Ms. Rivera.  Passes are not needed before and after school.

What do I need to check out books (or any other items)?
You need your student ID or you need to know your student ID number. Your library account needs to be clear, with no overdue books or fines.

How many items can I check out?
You can have up to 10 books checked out at a time and 3 DVDs.

How long can I have the items I checked out?
The loan period for books is 3 weeks and for DVDs/AudioCDs it is 1 week. You will receive the due date when you check out a book.

Where do I return my book?
Library materials may be turned in to the “Book Return” in the hallway next to the library entrance, the book deposit just outside of the Library Media Center Office, or inside the library at the north end of the circulation desk.  Watch this video to see where these book returns are located.

What if my book is past due?
If your book is past due or late, you can come in and renew the book (you must bring the book with you to renew it).  SORA ebooks and audiobooks automatically are returned from your account on the due date.

What if I lose or damage my book or other items?
Unfortunately, if you lose or badly damage a library book/item you will be responsible for the cost of it. (Do not check out books for other people, if they lose it or damage it the only person I will have on record for being responsible for it is YOU.)  Lost or damaged book fines go to your Infinite Campus account if they are not rectified before the end of the school year.

What type of technology is available for me to use?
Students may use iPads, zSpace 3D machine, Mac Video Editing Desktop, eReaders, Promethean board, video and still cameras. 

May I take technology home with me?
Students may check out eReaders for short-term use IF you have a parent permission form filled out, signed, and verified.  Please see Ms. Rivera at the circ desk to get a form if you are interested in this option. Completed forms are kept on file for the remainder of the school year.  Technology checkouts are short-term, meaning 1-2 days at a time. This ensures that all students have access to devices when they need them.

Can I eat in the library?
No, food is not allowed in the library!  You may have a beverage with you as long as it has a lid.

Battle of the Books

Welcome to a fun & learning intensive experience! BOB is a statewide reading challenge.  Students read books deeply so that they retain information about plot, character, theme, setting, and other elements.

 What is Battle of the Books?
~20 book high school list for students to read and discuss
~A Moodle site for students & advisors to practice and share ideas
~A culminating statewide, online “battle” to find the teams who know the books the best

How do we prepare and compete?
~Weekly Meetings Tuesdays @3:00pm in the Library/240
~Students read, read, read!
~Practice on the Moodle site (all questions are in the following format: Q: In what book does a boy find out he is the son of powerful wizards? A: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K.  Rowling)

Why do we have a Tremper BOB team?
~To build love of reading
~To encourage students to read books they might not have chosen
~To engage students in an academic competition
~To connect schools and teachers across the state
~To have fun!

What Should I Read Next?

TasteDive is a great site for both book and author recommendations, along with other forms of entertainment. Just enter the title of your favorite book or your favorite author, and TasteDive will generate its recommendations!

Whichbook is a site that offers up suggestions based on specific characteristics rather than similar books – you can make your choices based on the mood of the book, using a series of sliders: Happy to Sad, Funny to Serious, Safe to Disturbing, and so forth. Drag up to four sliders around to make your selection for each characteristic of the book, and WhichBook will offer up a long list of recommendations.  You can also opt for making your selection based on specifics regarding character, plot, and setting.

Goodreads is the world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations. Our mission is to help people find and share books they love. If you’re looking for a place to discover a great book or to discuss your favorite books with a community of readers, you’ve found the right place!

Content Area Online Videos

Click on buttons below to see playlists. Each playlist has a search option (magnifying glass icon) where you can type in a lesson topic.

Art Videos

Business Videos

English Lit Videos

Family & Consumer Education Videos

Math Videos

Music Videos

PE & Health Videos

Science Videos

Social Emotional Learning Videos

Social Studies Videos

Tech Education

World Language Videos