Attendance Office

Phone:  262-359-2222
Fax:  262-359-2079

Good attendance is a habit necessary for success in school and in life.  Wisconsin law requires students to attend school regularly during all scheduled school hours, with some exceptions. In conjunction with the citywide truancy ordinance, it is our commitment in KUSD to work diligently with parents and guardians to promote consistent and committed school attendance.

Board Policy 5310: Student Attendance

WI DPI Policy – Every student is allowed 5 excused absences per semester, not to exceed 10 per school year.

Policies and Procedures:

  • Absent/ Tardy –  Use the Infinite Campus Parent Portal, call or email the attendance office any time within 24 hours of the absence. When leaving a message or emailing, please clearly state the student’s name (spelling the last name), grade, ID number (if known), reason for the absence, and your relationship to the student. Students who are called in late MUST sign in at the Attendance Office.  Absences not cleared by a parent or guardian within five school days will not be excused unless formal documentation is provided by a doctor, court, etc.


  • Truancy – Any absence of part or all of one or more days from school during which a school designee has not been notified of the legal cause of such absence by the parent/guardian of the student.


  • Late arrival/ Early dismissal – Students who wish to be excused from school for part of the day must provide a written note, or an email, from their parent/guardian. All notes/emails should be received at the Attendance Office upon arrival or before the dismissal time.  
    • In addition to a parent/guardian note, all medical visits (doctor’s, dentists, orthodontists, therapists, etc) should be excused with a school note from the medical office.   * Medically excused absences do not count towards the 10 allowed absences *
  • Pre-Arranged Absence – If a student is going to be absent all day for more than one day for reasons other than illness, a Pre-Arranged Absence form should be completed and turned in to the Attendance Office at least one week in advance. Pre-Arranged Absence forms can be picked up in the attendance office or click here to download a copy.


  • If your student becomes ill at school:
    • Students should NOT call their parent/guardian and ask them to pick them up.
    • Students who are ill, and would like to go home, MUST go to the school nurse/ Health Office during passing time or with a pass from their teacher. The nurse will contact a parent or guardian, verify permission to go home, and send the student to the Attendance Office to sign-out. This process must be followed for an absence to be excused.