Arboretum & Disc Golf Project
Some content specific projects that students participate in and why…
- English – Students have successfully collaborated with staff to write of two grants totaling $7,200 in funds.
- Environmental Science – Our students are learning how to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and combat global warming and prepare to pass on that in ways that they can teach younger students.
- Math – Students were involved in the design development of the golf course.
Wisconsin State Standards
- G.12.5 Choose specific problems in our society, identify alternative scientific or technological solutions to that problem and argue its merits.
- G.8.5 Investigate a specific local problem to which there has been a scientific or technological solution, including proposals for alternative courses of action, the choices that were made, reasons for the choices, any new problems created, and subsequent community satisfaction.
- Solve real life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions equations.
Layout of KUSD’s Hillcrest Disc Golf Course
Learn more about the Hillcrest Disc Golf Course at UDisc