
Good attendance is a habit necessary for success in school and in life.  Wisconsin law requires students to attend school regularly during all scheduled school hours, with some exceptions. In conjunction with the citywide truancy ordinance, it is our commitment in KUSD to work diligently with parents and guardians to promote consistent and committed school attendance.

Board Policy 5310: Student Attendance

KUSD’s Student Sick Procedures

Click the link below to view the KUSD Sick Day Procedures:

Student Sick Procedures

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When my child is absent, what should I do?
    Call 262-359-8953 any time within 24 hours of the absence, or use your Infinite Campus Parent Portal to report the absence.  If you leave a message, please identify yourself by name and then be sure to include the student’s name, grade, ID number, and reason for their missing school.  If at any time a student comes late to school, he/she MUST sign in at the Main Office whether or not a call has been previously placed. If your child has a class at Harborside, you will need to contact Harborside as well at 359-8400.  Absences not cleared by a parent or guardian within five days will not be excused unless formal documentation is provided by a doctor, court, etc.
  • What should my child do if he/she becomes ill at school?
    Students must go to the Main Office either during passing time or with a pass from their classroom teacher.  The student will contact a guardian. The parent/guardian will then call 262.359.8953 to verify permission to go home. The student must sign-out in the office before leaving the building.
  • What does my child do if he/she has an appointment during the day?
    The student should bring a note from a parent/guardian regarding the appointment and time to the Main Office before school begins on the day of the appointment. At the time indicated for departure, your child should go to the Main Office for proper sign-out before leaving the building.  A timely return is expected with the student signing back in at the Main Office unless otherwise specified.  NOTE:  State law does not allow the school to excuse students for job interviews or any appointments that are not specific to that student. Prearranged absences of one day or less may be excused by phone or note.
  • How does KUSD’s attendance system work?
    The classroom teacher takes attendance each block/period, having the choice of present, truant, or tardy for each student.  Parent phone calls resulting in an excused absence or prearranged absences/field trips/school sponsored activities are entered by the Attendance Office.