
Secrets of Successful Test Taking

Before the test:

  • Regular study over a period of time is essential. People who study occasionally rarely pass tests. Make a habit of studying regularly. Adult Education Teachers will help you set up a study plan. Study, review, practice and then study some more.
  • READ. Read newspapers, magazines and books. Read whatever appeals to you, but read. Regular daily reading is a great way to improve your skills.

The day before the test:

  • Make sure you have a good night’s sleep before the test. Set your alarm clock, or ask a friend for a wake up call. If you have been studying regularly you do not need to “cram” the night or day before.
  • You’ll feel more relaxed if you get yourself organized the night before the test. Gather your clothes, get your ride in order and make child care arrangements (if needed). You will feel less stressed if you don’t have to run around before the test.

The day of the test:

  • Plan to arrive at school about 15 minutes before the test begins. Make sure you have your ID. Dress in layers. Parts of Reuther can be very cold or very warm.
  • Eat something before the test.
  • Too much caffeine (coffee, soda, chocolate etc.) can make you jittery and unable to concentrate during the test, so limit your consumption.
  • Leave all your electronic devices at home. You will be asked to leave if your cell phone or other electronic devices make noise during the test.
  • Use the bathroom before you test.

During the test:

  • Always make sure you are putting your answers in the proper places on the answer sheet. Ask the teacher if you aren’t sure.
  • Check with your teacher that you are taking the correct test. Some tests have two parts, so make sure you are completing all required sections.
  • Do not be alarmed if someone finishes a test before you, or you are the last person finished. You have no idea if the people who finished before you will score high or low.
  • Rest your eyes occasionally, either by closing them for a few seconds or looking at something far across the room.
  • If you feel a little nervous, don’t worry. You’re normal! You can use some of that extra energy to do well on the test. Try deep breathing for a few moments, if you find yourself becoming anxious.
  • Use self talk. Instead of thinking negative thoughts and worrying that you don’t know the answer, tell yourself you can do it. Think positively, then let go of that thought and move on.
  • If you don’t know something don’t spend too much time on that question and don’t waste time worrying about it. Make a very light mark next to the item on the answer sheet. Then, if you have time, go back to the items you skipped or were unsure of and give it more thought.
  • Your first answer is usually the best choice.
  • Sometimes there are easy questions on a test. Don’t spend too much time over-analyzing this type of question.