
Student Participation form and application

Students and parents must talk to their guidance counselor before being accepted in the Adult Education Program. If the student has met certain requirements s/he will complete a Kenosha Unified School District Participation form and related paperwork and application.

The High School Competency Diploma measures what you have learned during all four years of high school. To graduate you must complete all requirements, and pass all tests. You are in the Adult Education Program to finish the requirements and study. If you do not regularly study for the tests, you probably will fail one or more of them.


  • You must attend your scheduled session, and stay the required amount of time. This is not a drop in program.
  • If you are more than 15 minutes late you will be marked tardy.
  • If necessary, schedules may be reset on a weekly basis.
  • If you are under the age of 18, you are required to be in school during your scheduled sessions. Parents/Guardians must call the main office (359-6160) to excuse an absence.


  • This is a program for adults and adult behavior is expected. You are expected to work quietly during the entire time you are here. This is an independent study program but a teacher is in the classroom to help you work toward your goals. If you are not prepared to study, follow directions and policies (both KUSD and Reuther) you will be asked to leave. You may be dismissed from the Adult Education Program for repeated behavior problems, or for non-attendance.
  • You will be working independently, and it is your responsibility to ask for help when you need it. This is an excellent opportunity to graduate, so stay focused and work hard when you are here.
  • Enter through the west doors, sign in, and put on your ID. Go directly to the Adult Education Program classroom, and when you enter the classroom, sign in. Take your binder from the shelf and begin working immediately. Passes are given at the discretion of the teacher(s). When you leave, sign out and have a teacher sign the back of the west door pass. Go directly to the west door when you leave. Do not wander in the building at any time for any reason.
  • Cheating, stealing materials, damaging equipment/books/computers or unauthorized use of computers are grounds for immediate dismissal from the Adult Education Program.
  • All KUSD and Reuther policies (see Student Handbook) are in effect (example: dress code, respectful behavior, computer use policy etc.)  
  • Students who are not attending regularly or making sufficient progress will be dropped from the Adult Education Program. Students may be reinstated after a conference with Adult Education teacher(s).
  • Adult Education is located in room 152 of Reuther Central High School and is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 11:00 and 12:00 to 3:00.
  • Deb Fredericks-Thoennes is the teacher in the classroom and can be contacted at or 359-6162.


  • You must maintain an attendance rate of 50% or higher
  • You must make sufficient progress.  That means you will finish one unit or more each week in required areas. (Government and Politics, Health, Consumer Education, Employability, and WorkKeys assignments).  When you are finished with the requirements, you will complete a minimum of one study/review assignment each week. You have one year after your cohort graduates to use Adult Education services. For example, 2022 cohorts must finish all requirements and take the test at least once by May 8, 2023.  Students may retest until they pass or turn 21.
  • You must not have been sent home or earned a referral for behavior or other reasons.
  • If during the course of one quarter, you have failed to meet any combination the requirements three or more times, you will be placed in Independent Adult Education Program. You may or may not be allowed to return to the Adult Education Program.

.  Contact Deb Fredericks-Thoennes at 359-6162.

Bring a spiral notebook and a pen or pencil. The Adult Education Program does not supply them.

Clean out your locker at your home school and return any textbooks or library books you have. Pay any fees you owe. If you do not return these items and/or pay the fees you will not receive your diploma, and the amount you owe will be sent to collection.

When you decide to graduate using the Competency Diploma Option you may not change your mind and graduate by earning credits.